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Arkivji Tag: Assoċjazzjoni Ewropea tal-Casinos

Taf il-logħob? L-ECA tippromwovi l-għarfien tal-industrija

Kont taf li l-impatt ekonomiku totali tal-każinos membri tal-ECA huwa stmat għal aktar minn €22 biljun fis-sena, jew li l-industrija tal-każinò liċenzjati fuq l-art għandha rwol importanti fil-preservazzjoni tal-wirt kulturali għani tal-Ewropa? Dawn huma wħud mill-messaġġi ewlenin li l-Assoċjazzjoni Ewropea tal-Casinos ilha tqajjem kuxjenza għal...

Il-Belġju – L-ECA tibda strateġija ambizzjuża ta’ tliet snin u tilqa’ lil Ċipru bħala l-aktar membru ġdid

At the General Assembly of the European Casino Association (ECA) held at ICE London on 5th February, the association’s new strategy for the coming years was approved. Under the title “Supporting and promoting Europe’s casinos”, the ECA will advocate the values and principles of the nationally licensed land-based casino industry in Europe towards a sustainable…

Monaco – Il-forum annwali tal-industrija tal-Assoċjazzjoni Ewropea tal-Casinos sejjer lejn Monako

Monte-Carlo casino group Société des Bains de Mer is hosting the annual Casino Industry Forum at the Hôtel Hermitage Monte-Carlo in Monaco. The long-running annual European Casino Association event brings together the CEOs and board members of Europe’s licensed land-based casino industry to the world-famous casino destination of Monaco. Besides the members of the ECA,…

UK – Il-kap ta’ Cosmopol se jmexxi bord ġdid fl-Assoċjazzjoni Ewropea tal-Casinos

33 representatives representing 27 countries gathered in London for the first General Assembly of the European Casino Association (ECA) in 2018. It was held at ICE -Totally Gaming, the premier exhibition for the industry in Europe. The key issue at the General Assembly was the election of a new Board of Directors for the next…

Belgium – ECA calls for tougher enforcement measures for unlicensed online operators

EU countries lagging behind in enforcement against unlicensed gambling providers Providers of online gambling services are continuing to target jurisdictions without the mandatory licence in the respective country, according to the European Casino Association. It is estimated that up to 50 per cent of total online gambling revenue is generated in countries where the respective operator…

Monaco – Société des Bains de Mer Casinos tingħaqad mal-Assoċjazzjoni Ewropea tal-Casinos

Monte-Carlo-based casino operator Société des Bains de Mer, which runs four casinos in Monaco, including the iconic Casino de Monte-Carlo, has joined the European Casino Association. The group is a key cornerstone in the state’s long-standing successful economic, social and cultural development of the principality and employs up to 4000 people. The ECA and Monte-Carlo…