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Arkivji Tag: Ġibiltà

Ġibiltà – Soluzzjonijiet Pragmatiċi jsaħħu l-Pjattaforma PAM tal-iGaming bl-Integrazzjoni Zimpler Go

Provider of iGaming PAM platform technology, Pragmatic Solutions, has announced the integration of Zimpler Go, the financial company’s player registration and payment solution. This cooperation offers Pragmatic Solutions’ operator network the benefit of a streamlined player onboarding process and accelerating growth with faster payments and financial compliance checks powered by Zimpler Go. Pragmatic Solutions provides…

Ġibiltà – Markor Technology tittratta l-kontenut ma’ Tom Horn

Tom Horn Gaming iffirma ftehim dwar il-kontenut li se jara lil Markor Technology tikseb aċċess għall-portafoll tal-logħob tal-iżviluppatur. Flimkien ma' ħarġiet reċenti inkluż il-logħba tar-roulette ta' stil Franċiż, La Partage, l-aggregatur se jibbenefika mit-titli bl-aqwa prestazzjoni tal-fornitur bħal 243 Crystal Fruits u The Secret of Ba, kif ukoll il-logħba li ġejja Triple...

Gibraltar – Pragmatic Play donates to Alameda Wildlife park

Pragmatic Play has made a £6,850 donation to Gibraltar’s only wildlife sanctuary, the Alameda Wildlife Conservation Park (AWCP), home to several native and exotic animal species.  Situated in the Gibraltar’s Alameda Botanic Gardens, the AWCP cares for unwanted exotic pets and animals confiscated by customs, such as the cotton-topped tamarin, to raise awareness of important endangered…

Ġibiltà – Better Change taħtar lil Lee Willows għall-Bord tad-Diretturi

Better Change ħabbret li Lee Willows ingħaqad mal-Bord tad-Diretturi tiegħu bħala Direttur Mhux Eżekuttiv. B'karriera mifruxa fuq tliet deċennji, Lee huwa figura magħrufa sew fis-settur tal-logħob tal-azzard, li uża l-esperjenza tal-ħajja tiegħu mill-ħsara tal-logħob tal-azzard għall-ġid pubbliku. Better Change twaqqfet fl-2021 wara li l-fundaturi ltaqgħu f'Harvard Business...

Ġibiltà – Eyas Gaming tissieħeb ma' Crucial Compliance biex itaffi l-ħsara lill-plejers

Eyas Gaming, l-operatur wara l-marka tal-każinò nline MerkurSlots.com, ssieħeb ma’ Crucial Compliance biex itaffu l-ħsara lill-plejers wara li reċentement iddebutta fis-suq tar-Renju Unit. Eyas Gaming qed tuża s-sistema Crucial Player Protection (CPP) li ġiet iddisinjata bħala soluzzjoni unika u skalabbli għall-konformità u l-ġestjoni tan-negozju. L-għan aħħari huwa...

Ġibiltà – Crucial Compliance tadotta sistema ta’ rikonoxximent tal-wiċċ għal kontrolli responsabbli tal-logħob

Crucial Compliance and The Face Recognition Company have joined forces to allow retail and omni-channel operators to receive real-time alerts when a self-excluded player enters gambling premises. FRC has developed a proprietary facial recognition solution that recognises individuals of interest in real-time and raises alerts. Multi-view cameras capture individual faces that are subjected to facial…

Gibraltar – Continent 8 expands product range in Gibraltar with Public Cloud solution

Continent 8 Technologies has expanded its product range in Gibraltar with the launch of its Public Cloud solution, responding to changing market conditions and the demand for innovation in infrastructure by Gibraltar businesses. The Continent 8 Cloud offers its partners a multi-tenanted laaS platform to host customer infrastructure as Virtual Machines. Already live in a…

Ġibiltà – BtoBet tiżvela l-offerta tal-FTP għal tournaments tal-Euro u tal-Copa América

BtoBet has teamed up with Imprexis Gaming to launch free-to-play promotions in the build-up to the Euro and Copa America tournaments. The proposed free-to-play portfolio, covering both tournaments, provides operators with an opportunity to attract new players, whilst retaining their loyal fold of customers. Originally scheduled to take place last year, UEFA was forced to…

Gibraltar – BtoBet appoints Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer

BtoBet has appointed Zoran Spasov as Managing Director and Dima Reiderman as Chief Operating Officer. Zoran Spasov had been serving as interim Managing Director since December 2019, and will now take on the role on a permanent basis. Spasov has previously held a number of executive positions, having served as CEO for several companies closely…