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Arkivji Tag: Kontinent 8

Kanada – Continent 8 timpjega Uffiċjal Kap Finanzjarju ġdid

Continent 8 Technologies ħabbret il-ħatra ta’ Kristian Valenta fir-rwol ta’ Chief Financial Officer. Valenta preċedentement kellu numru ta’ rwoli ta’ livell għoli, l-aktar reċentement bħala Viċi President fil-Grupp tat-Teknoloġija, il-Midja u t-Telekomunikazzjoni f’Novacap, ditta ta’ ekwità privata fl-Amerika ta’ Fuq. Matul iż-żmien tiegħu f'Novacap, mexxa bosta fondi...

Isle of Man – Continent 8 tniedi internet privat għall-iGaming

Continent 8 Technologies nediet internet privat, il-Gaming Exchange, komunità esklussiva għan-negozji tal-iGaming. Li tippermetti lin-negozji biex jgħaqqdu aktar malajr u b'mod aktar sigur milli fuq l-internet standard mingħajr ebda ħtieġa għal konfigurazzjoni addizzjonali, it-tnedija tfisser li l-klijenti ta 'Continent 8 jistgħu jgħaqqdu direttament ma' klijenti oħra ta 'Continent 8 permezz ta' VPN madwar...

US - Continent 8 iniedi Gaming Cloud f'Pennsylvania

Continent 8 Technologies ingħata d-dawl aħdar mill-Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board biex iniedi l-Cloud tal-Logħob regolat tiegħu lill-operaturi u l-fornituri fl-istat. Gaming Cloud ta' Continent 8 huwa Cloud Pubbliku diġà disponibbli għall-klijenti f'numru ta' postijiet oħra regolati fl-Amerika ta' Fuq inkluż New Jersey (Atlantic City) u,...

Il-Kanada – Continent 8 tniedi soluzzjoni sħaba f'Ontario

Continent 8 Technologies is launching its Public Cloud solution in Toronto, Ontario, in response to customer demand for cloud solutions. As of 4 April, the province has permitted private gaming websites with appropriate licensing to start taking wagers. Already live and licensed in several North American markets including New Jersey’s Atlantic City since 2015, Continent…

Puerto Rico – Continent 8 opens new data centre in Puerto Rico

Continent 8 Technologies continues to expand its presence in Latin American with the opening of a data centre in Puerto Rico. Diverse geographical routes into Continent 8’s private and highly secure location connects the Puerto Rico facility to the company’s global backbone of more than 80 locations across four continents. The data centre and strategic…

Isle of Man - Teknoloġiji tal-Kontinent 8 tikseb status ta' livell avvanzat tal-AWS

Teknoloġiji Continent 8 ġie approvat bħala Sieħeb ta' Konsulenza Avvanzata ta' Amazon Web Services (AWS). Ir-rikonoxximent jiġi inqas minn sena wara li Continent 8 ġie approvat bħala AWS Select Consulting Partner u, wara li qattgħet l-aħħar ftit xhur tibni l-kapaċitajiet tagħha, il-kumpanija issa ġiet elevata fil-livell avvanzat ta’...

Continent 8: making the right connections

A number of jurisdictions in Latin America have made huge strides in regulating the gaming industry. Online gambling is now available in Buenos Aires, and Brazil will open its sports betting market soon. G3 speaks to Gabriel Szlaifsztein, General Manager – LATAM at Continent 8 Technologies, about the changes. Do you think that regulations being…

Isle of Man – Continent 8 jikseb l-istatus ta’ Microsoft Silver Partner

Continent 8 Technologies has achieved Microsoft Silver Partner status as part of the Microsoft Partnership Network programme, allowing it to further strengthen its cloud offering to operators and suppliers in the industry. The network allows for companies to undergo various tests and close scrutiny to ascertain their ability to deliver high-quality software, solutions and support…

Isle of Man – Continent 8 makes two tech hires

Continent 8 Technologies has appointed Simon Booth and Teddy Elias as Technical Operations Managers, with the former looking after the EMEA and Asia Pacific regions and the latter covering the Americas. Working directly with the Technical Operations Director, and managing a regional team of multi-disciplined engineers, they are responsible for managing the Continent 8 network…