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Arkivji Tag: Bay Mandalay

US – MGM donates land for memorial at site of Route 91 Harvest massacre

MGM Resorts International will donate land for a public memorial for the Route 91 Harvest Festival mass shooting on October 1, 2017. The two acres of land will house a memorial where the festival concert took place, close to the Mandalay Bay Hotel, resulting in a massacre where more than 860 were injured and 58…

US – Mandalay Bay’s stadium to be renamed Michelob Ultra Arena

Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino has sold the naming rights agreement with industry-leading beverage company Anheuser-Busch. The deal, negotiated by MGM Resorts International, will rename the resort’s 12,000-seat sports and entertainment venue in Las Vegas the Michelob ULltra Arena. The agreement’s integration will feature a variety of assets inside the Michelob ULTRA Arena and at…

L-Istati Uniti – MGM għandha tħallas $49m ta’ $751m saldu ta’ sparar ta’ Las Vegas

Jum qabel it-tielet anniversarju tal-isparatura tal-massa li qatlet 58 persuna fil-festival tal-mużika country Route 91 Harvest, imħallef ordna li MGM Resorts, sid il-lukanda u l-post tal-kunċert, se jħallas $49m minn $751m. ftehim mal-kumpaniji tal-assigurazzjoni tagħha jħallsu l-bqija. MGM irrikonoxxa...

L-Istati Uniti – MGM qed tipprepara biex terġa’ tiftaħ il-bajja ta’ Luxor, Aria u Mandalay

On the heels of reopening its first three Las Vegas properties, MGM Resorts International announced it will add several of its resorts in the weeks ahead. Luxor and The Shoppes at Mandalay Bay Place will reopen on June 25. They will be followed by ARIA, and Mandalay Bay, Four Seasons Las Vegas on July 1….

L-Istati Uniti – Blackstone se tħallas $ 4.6 biljun għall-post f'MGM Grand u Mandalay Bay

MGM Resorts qed tħoll ishma maġġuri fi tnejn mill-assi ewlenin tagħha f'Las Vegas b'MGM Grand u Mandalay Bay jinbiegħu lill-forza tal-logħob li qed tikber Blackstone għal $4.6 biljun wara l-mudell dejjem aktar popolari ta' 'xiri u kiri lura'. Il-ftehim bejn MGM Growth Properties u Blackstone Real Estate Income Trust effettivament monetizza l-veru...

US – MGM confirms landmark settlement of $735m for Route 91 victims

Victims of the Route 91 Harvest shootings in 2017 in Las Vegas will receive a landmark settlement of between $735m and $800m from MGM Resorts, who owns Mandalay Bay Hotel, from where the gunman killed 58 people. More than 800 people were injured at the country music festival at a venue across from the hotel,…

L-Istati Uniti – Il-kawża tal-MGM dwar 'Route 91 massacre' tipprovoka reazzjoni kontra l-midja soċjali

MGM Resorts fetħet kawża federali kontra aktar minn 1,000 vittma ta’ sparatura tal-massa f’Las Vegas fi sforz biex tiġi evitata r-responsabbiltà meta raġel armat waħdu qatel 58 persuna fil-festival Route 91 Harvest fl-1 ta’ Ottubru. fil-massakru min jemmen...

L-Istati Uniti – MGM żammet milli tneħħi l-kamra tal-qattiel fil-bajja ta' Mandalay

L-avukati li jirrappreżentaw mara li sofriet tliet feriti ta’ arma tan-nar f’sidir waqt il-massakru fir-Route 91 Harvest Festival f’Las Vegas rebħu deċiżjoni importanti tal-qorti bl-Imħallef Mark Denton jiddeċiedi favur Ordni ta’ Trażżin Temporanju ta’ emerġenza biex jipproteġu u jippreservaw l-evidenza kollha f’ il-każ. “Din l-ordni tipprevjeni...

L-Istati Uniti – MGM Resorts qed jiffaċċja l-ewwel kawża wara l-massakru ta’ Mandalay Bay

Paige Gasper, żagħżugħa ta’ 21 sena minn Texas li qed tistudja f’Kalifornja, hija l-ewwel waħda li ħadet azzjoni legali kontra MGM Resorts International wara li weġġgħet waqt l-isparatura tal-massa fil-festival Route 91 Harvest. L-ilmentatur, li kien sparat f’sidru u kellu bżonn diversi operazzjonijiet, jagħti wkoll dettalji dwar il-patrimonju tar-raġel armat,...