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Arkivji Tag: Resorts MGM

MGM tgawdi kwart rekord b'Las Vegas u Macau it-tnejn jilħqu livelli ġodda

MGM Resorts International iġġenera l-aqwa riżultati tagħha fl-ewwel kwart tal-2024 bil-prestazzjoni b'saħħitha ta 'Las Vegas tkompli bi dħul nett rekord 1Q u MGM China wkoll kisbet riżultati trimestrali rekord. Id-dħul kien ta’ $4.4 biljun, żieda ta’ 13 fil-mija meta mqabbel mat-trimestru tas-sena ta’ qabel, primarjament minħabba żieda fi...

L-Istati Uniti - MGM irrapporta li poġġiet il-casinos f'Ohio u Springfield fis-suq

Bloomberg has reported that MGM Resorts is looking for suitors to buy its casinos in Ohio’s Northfield Park and in Springfield, Massachusetts. MGM has reportedly enlisted financial advisers to hold preliminary discussions which may not result in any sale. MGM bought the Northfield Hard Rock racino in 2019 for $1bn, rebraning it to MGM Northfield…

US – MGM and Marriott collaborate to create extraordinary special events

Now accepting reservations for 16 iconic hotel and resort destinations on Marriott.com and the Marriott Bonvoy app, MGM Collection with Marriott Bonvoy offers an all-access pass to the world’s largest stage. Marriott Bonvoy Moments inspired by MGM Collection – from curating the production of the Bellagio fountain show to the haerial acrobatics of the Cirque…

US - MGM dettalji jippjanaw li jagħmlu MGM Empire City każinò sħiħ

MGM Resorts International illum żvelat il-viżjoni tagħha li tbiddel Empire City Casino minn MGM Resorts għal destinazzjoni ta’ divertiment ta’ klassi dinjija, MGM Empire City, jekk tingħata liċenzja ta’ każinò kummerċjali għas-sit storiku tagħha ta’ Yonkers, New York. L-elementi ewlenin tad-disinn tal-ewwel fażi jinkludu żvilupp mill-ġdid u espansjoni komprensivi tal-art tal-każinò, post ta’ divertiment b’kapaċità ta’ 5,000, kotba tal-isports tal-BetMGM tal-aktar avvanzata,...

US – MGM says casino resorts are ‘operating normally’ following cyber attack

Normal operations have been resumed across the casinos and hotels owend by MGM Resorts, following a week of disruption caused by the much-publicised cyber attack. MGM stated: “We are pleased that all of our casinos, hotels, dining, entertainment, and resort services are operating normally, and are welcoming thousands of guests each day. Our amazing employees…

L-Istati Uniti – MGM Resorts jittrattaw kwistjoni ta' sigurtà ċibernetika fil-casinos tagħha

MGM Resorts is dealing with a cyber attack that affected credit card transactions and other computerized systems across its network of casinos and hotels. The operator is believed to have shut down some of its systems to stop the attack getting more severe. The company stated: “MGM Resorts recently identified a cybersecurity issue affecting some…

UK – BetMGM tespandi internazzjonalment bis-suq tar-Renju Unit l-ewwel pass

MGM Resorts International nediet il-marka BetMGM iGaming u l-imħatri sportivi onlajn fir-Renju Unit, u tat bidu għall-istrateġija ta’ MGM Resorts li tespandi l-marka BetMGM fis-swieq internazzjonali. L-offerta internazzjonali l-ġdida tad-ditta BetMGM tisfrutta t-teknoloġija u l-pjattaforma ta’ LeoVegas, il-kumpanija tal-logħob ibbażata fl-Iżvezja akkwistata minn MGM Resorts is-sena li għaddiet. Bill Hornbuckle, CEO...

Ġappun - LeoVegas joħloq uġigħ ta 'ras għall-MGM f'Osaka

Stħarriġ fil-Ġappun juru appoġġ pubbliku lokali jikseb momentum wara Osaka Integrated Resort ta 'MGM (skond stħarriġ immirat lejn 6,190 lokal f'April, 53 fil-mija jiddikjaraw li huma appoġġaw IR b'45 fil-mija jopponuha), għalkemm l-oppożizzjoni esterna għall-iżvilupp tkompli biex tagħmel aħbarijiet. L-aktar reċentement, l-Assoċjazzjoni għall-Konsiderazzjoni...

L-Istati Uniti – MGM ttejjeb ir-regoli tat-telefon biex jakkomoda l-kontenut tal-logħob fuq il-midja soċjali

Following a rise in gambling-related content on social media, MGM Resorts is tweaking its rules regarding customers taking photos or videos close to gaming tables at its casinos in Nevada.  The move is expected to appeal to the TikTok/Instagram generation. Players will now be able to take photos, videos and stream as long as the broadcasting doesn’t…