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Arkivji Tag: Melco

Iċ-Ċina - Melco tiftaħ il-bibien għal Morpheus

Melco Resorts issa fetaħ Morpheus, il-lukanda l-ġdida ultra-lussuża fil-Makaw. Imsemmi wara l-alla tal-ħolm fil-Mitoloġija Griega, dan il-bini emblematiku ta’ 1.1 biljun dollaru Amerikan huwa l-aħħar żieda fl-iżvilupp tal-Fażi III ta’ City of Dreams Macau. Morpheus hija l-ewwel struttura arkitettonika għolja ta' exoskeleton li qatt saret fid-dinja, iddisinjata mill-perit leġġendarju l-...

Cyprus – Melco to open temporary Cyprus casino this month

Casino gaming will be launched in Cyprus this month with the opening of Melco Resorts’ temporary Cyprus casino on June 28. The Macau-based operator has started the build for the permanent integrated resort, City of Dreams Mediterranean, which will cost €550m. Housed in a former grocery market, the temporary casino will cost €12m and will…

Ċipru – Melco sejra biex tiftaħ il-każinò temporanju ta’ Ċipru dan is-sajf

Melco Resorts and Entertainment CEO Lawrence Ho has confirmed that a temporary casino will be opened in Cyprus in time for the summer. Mr. Ho will attend a groundbreaking ceremony for Cyprus’ new casino-resort on June 8. He said: “A week before the Morpheus opens [in Macau on June 15] we are going to have…

Cyprus – Melco to target British, Russian and Middle Eastern tourists

City of Dreams Mediterranean, the casino resort being built in Cyprus, will target the British, Russian and Middle Eastern tourists already attracted to the island, with the hope that eventually its Asian customers will visit too. Lawrence Ho, owner and CEO of Melco Resorts will operate the €550m casino in Limassol on the south coast,…

Ċipru – Melco żżid is-sehem fil-proġett Ċiprijotta

Future Cypriot casino operator Melco International Development has increased its stake in the planned integrated resort project increase to 75 per cent. The move follows Melco’s purchase of all the shares in the project owned by its previous partner in it; Hard Rock. The resort style venue to be built in the coastal town of…

Cyprus – Melco signs for Cyprus licence as Hard Rock signs out

Melco International Development and its local investors have now signed the first and only casino resort licence with the government of The Republic of Cyprus. In a surprise move though, the Hong Kong-based company has bought all the shares in the project previously owned by its previous partner in it; Hard Rock. The resort style…

Iċ-Ċina – Lawrence Ho jikkritika l-approċċ ta’ Crown għall-akkwist tal-plejers

Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Melco Resorts Lawrence Ho ikkritika lill-eks sieħeb tal-Makaw Crown Resorts talli ma kienx ‘diskret’ fil-kummerċjalizzazzjoni tiegħu lill-klijenti VIP fiċ-Ċina kontinentali. Il-pożizzjoni tal-Kuruna wasslet għall-arrest ta '18-il membru tal-persunal fiċ-Ċina u bagħtet shockwaves permezz tal-industrija fl-Asja. Meta wieġeb għall-Financial Times, is-Sur Ho qal li Crown...

Spanja – Hard Rock, Melco u Peralada jiksbu estensjoni għas-sottomissjonijiet tal-BCN

Id-Dipartiment tal-Ekonomija għall-gvern tal-Katalunja ta tliet xhur oħra lill-kumpaniji interessati li jiftħu każinos fil-BCN World f'Barċellona (issa magħrufa bħala l-Kumpless tat-Turisti u Rekreazzjoni) tliet xhur oħra sabiex jissottomettu l-proposti tagħhom. Hard Rock, Melco u Peralada it-tliet kumpaniji interessati fid-divertiment u d-divertiment...

Spanja – Il-Gvern tal-Katalunja japprova Pjan ta' Żvilupp Urban għal BCN World

Ġie approvat il-Master Plan għall-Iżvilupp Urban (PDU) għall-BCN World li ġejja f'Barċellona (issa magħrufa bħala l-Kumpless tat-Turisti u r-Rekreazzjoni). L-operaturi Hard Rock, Melco u Peralada it-tliet kumpaniji interessati fil-kumpless tad-divertiment u d-divertiment issa għandhom tliet xhur biex jippreżentaw il-proposti tagħhom. Josep Rull Ministru tat-Territorju u...