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Arkivji Tag: Kuruna

Crown approvat li żżomm il-liċenzja tagħha ta' Melbourne

Crown Melbourne żammet il-liċenzja tagħha Victorian Casino wara trasformazzjoni komprensiva tan-negozju tagħha li rat lill-operatur jinvesti $200m mill-2021 fit-trasformazzjoni tiegħu, billi introduċiet riformi estensivi fil-minimizzazzjoni tal-ħsara, il-kriminalità finanzjarja, il-governanza, il-konformità, ir-riskju u l-kultura, li għandha ġiet aċċellerata taħt sjieda u ġestjoni ġodda. Il-benessri tal-klijenti u l-minimizzazzjoni tal-ħsara għandha...

Australia – Blackstone appoints Ian Silk as Chairman of Crown Melbourne

Blackstone, the new owners of Australia’s troubled Crown Resorts has appointed Ian Silk, former boss of Australia’s largest super fund AustralianSuper, as Chairman of Crown Melbourne. Mr. Silk, who led AustralianSuper for 15 years, will be joined on the Crown Melbourne board by Helen Silver and who was previously Managing Director of consulting firm Hay…

Australia – Blackstone gets green light to operate Crown Sydney

The NSW Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority has approved funds manager Blackstone’s suitability to hold a casino licence in NSW, paving the way for the company to become the operator of Crown Sydney casino.  Authority Chairperson Philip Crawford said Blackstone had been subject to an extensive probity assessment that examined its capacity to address the…

Awstralja – Il-Kuruna milquta b’multa rekord għall-użu illegali tal-karti UnionPay taċ-Ċina

Australian operator Crown Melbourne has been hit with a record-breaking fine of AU$80m due to the illegal use of China UnionPay cards. Crown’s China UnionPay process saw Crown Melbourne let customers use credit or debit cards to access funds to gamble, to the tune of AU$164m over a four year period between 2012 and 2016. The…

L-Awstralja – Il-Kuruna misjuba mhux xierqa biex topera f’Perth iżda ngħatat sentejn biex tifdi lilha nnifisha

Crown Resorts has been told by the Perth Casino Royal Commission that it is unsuitable to be a casino operator but has been given a two-year reprieve to show it can become suitable again under the watch of an independent monitor. It gave 59 recommendations for improvement covering the boardroom set up to better responsible…

L-Awstralja – Blackstone qed tfittex li tipproteġi l-offerta għall-Kuruna minn tnaqqis regolatorju

Il-fond ta’ ekwità privata tal-Istati Uniti Blackstone tweaked l-offerta tiegħu ta’ $6 biljun għal Crown Resorts, u qal li ma jista’ jitlef l-ebda liċenzji tal-istat tiegħu qabel ma jiġi approvat il-ftehim, u li Crown ikkontrollata minn Blackstone għandha titqies bħala operatur “adattat” mir-regolatorji kollha. awtoritajiet. Blackstone ħalla l-prezz tal-offerta tagħha l-istess. Crown Resorts qal:...

L-Awstralja – Task force tal-ftuħ mill-ġdid ta’ Victoria qamet għal pariri ‘self-serving’

Membri ta’ task force ta’ Victoria inklużi ismijiet kbar mill-industrija tal-logħob saħqu li mhumiex qed jagħmlu pressjoni fuq il-gvern Awstraljan biex ineħħi malajr l-għeluq infurzati mill-COVID-19, iżda qed jappoġġjaw il-miżuri tas-saħħa tal-gvern biex jevitaw tifqigħat u għeluq ulterjuri. It-task force, li tinkludi Crown Resorts, Tabcorp, l-Assoċjazzjoni Awstraljana tal-Lukandi, il-Komunità...

Awstralja – Il-każinos Awstraljani jintroduċu 'distanza soċjali' aktar milli jagħlqu l-artijiet tal-logħob

Rather than close their casinos, Australian casino operators Crown Resorts and The Star Entertainment have introduced a minimum distance between casino customers and reduced gaming capacity by turning off every other slot machine. A minimum distance of 1.5 metres has been introduced between players including at seated table games. The operator said: “Following consultation with…

Australia – Crown continues to slip as VIP falls 46 per cent

Australian operator Crown Resorts’ AGM might have been dominated by questions concerning regulatory probes following media speculation that it flouted visa rules, but its financials painted another worrying picture. VIP sales at the company’s Australian resorts fell by 46 per cent between July and October. GGR from main floor gaming meanwhile increased by two per…