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Arkivji Tag: Monako

Monaco – Record jackpot struck at Casino de Café de Paris

At Casino de Café de Paris a new record jackpot of €958,950 was won on May 7, 2018, by a regular client and member of the new My Monte-Carlo loyalty programme. Since 1st January 2018, Casino Café de Paris has totalled 9,643 Jackpots across all machines collectively, representing total winnings of €68,345,058. This is the…

Monaco – Casino Café de Paris to install IGT’s Sphinx 4D slot

Monte Carlo’s Casino Café de Paris is installing Sphinx 4D slot machines from IGT, featuring a totally immersive technology which gives players a multi-sensory experience full of surprises. After receiving a number of latest-generation IGT slot machines in the showroom specifically for this purpose, alongside premium games, Casino Café de Paris confirms its position as…

Monako – Matthew Zarb-Kuġin se jirrappreżenta l-Kampanja għal Logħob tal-Ażżard Ġust fis-Summit tal-EUROMAT

Il-kelliem ta' Campaign for Fairer Gambling, Matt Zarb-Cousin, ikkonferma li se jkun qed jattendi s-Summit tal-EUROMAT ta' din is-sena u jingħaqad mal-panel għas-sessjoni: Inside Problem Gambling. Is-Summit tal-EUROMAT huwa skedat mill-4 sas-6 ta’ Ġunju, u se jsir fil-Monte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort spettakolari. Is-Summit, issa fi...

Monako – Frost iwiegħed merħba mill-qalb fis-Summit EUROMAT 'inklużiv'

Bis-Summit annwali tal-EUROMAT skedat bejn l-4 u s-6 ta’ Ġunju, il-President tal-Assoċjazzjoni Jason Frost qed iwiegħed avveniment differenti ħafna mis-snin ta’ qabel. Tradizzjonalment is-Summit kien laqgħa pan-Ewropea tal-assoċjazzjonijiet li jirrappreżentaw il-logħob u d-divertiment fuq l-art, flimkien mar-regolaturi u dawk li jfasslu l-politika. Jason Frost spjega: “Is-summits preċedenti wrew li huma estremament produttivi...

The Metamorphose of Casinos de Monaco

G3 interviews Pascal Camia, Gaming Managing Director of Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer and Director of Casino de Monte-Carlo Monte-Carlo is one of the most powerful brands in the world and has, over its 150+ years’ history, become synonymous with the highest quality gaming imaginable. Comprised of three casinos operated by Monte-Carlo Société des…

Monaco – Oulala CEO warns that the sector is in danger of being colonised

Oulala CEO Valery Bollier made some surprising remarks regarding the future of the iGaming sector during his recent speech at the industry event in Monaco. Bollier, CEO and Co-founder of an award-winning Daily Fantasy Football B2B provider, recently visited the principality on the French Riviera where he spoke at the World Gaming Expo. He explained…

Monaco – SBM sees GGR grow by five per cent in first quarter

During the first quarter of the year, the Société des Bains de Mer and its subsidiaries reported an increase in revenue of 2.6 per cent. Turnover for the group came in at €127.5m with the increase driven by favorable developments in the gaming and rental sectors. Hotel activity remained broadly stable compared to the previous…

Monaco – Sun Casino to launch EGT’s Super Premier 75 at VIP event

Societe de Bains de Mer is pulling out all the stops as it welcomes the next wave of installs at its Sun Casino from Euro Game Technology. The Bulgarian-based slot manufacturer offers what SBM says are ‘the best performing cabinets’ in the casino. Sun Casino decided to arrange the special event following the runaway success…

Monaco – EGT itemm ordni enormi ma’ Societe de Bains de Mer

Sena biss wara l-ewwel installazzjoni tagħha ta’ 18-il magna f’Monaco magħmula fil-Cafè de Paris u Sun Casino, Euro Games Technology ikkunsinnat 42 slot ieħor u 24 stazzjon tal-logħob multiplayer lill-istess stabbilimenti. L-installazzjoni l-ġdida hija l-akbar li qatt saret minn fornitur tal-logħob lokalment u ddawwar EGT fi...