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Arkivji Tag: Teknoloġija tal-Passaport

US – Lake of the Torches selects Passport Technology’s Lush Loyalty Kiosk & Rewards Platform

Passport Technology, a global leader in innovative payment technology and customer engagement for the gaming industry, today announced the selection of Passport’s Lush loyalty and rewards platform, and Mira player enrollment kiosks, at Lake of the Torches Resort Casino. Passport’s Lush loyalty platform introduces new opportunities for casino operators to increase player enrollment, engagement, and…

UK – Passport Technology donates £3,919 to the CHIPS Charity

In a continuous effort focused on giving back to the community, Passport Technology proudly donates an aggregated £3,919 to the CHIPS Charity. With this donation, Passport has contributed over £30,000 to support the gaming and local communities in the UK. Founded in 2001 on behalf of the UK Gaming industry, CHIPS raises funds for the…

US – Passport Technology deploys Lush Loyalty Platform with The Point Casino & Hotel

Passport Technology, a global leader in innovative payment technology and customer engagement for the gaming industry, has announced the selection of Passport’s Lush loyalty and rewards platform, and Mira player enrollment kiosks by The Point Casino & Hotel in Washington. This is Passport’s first expansion of loyalty solutions in the Pacific Northwest.   Passport’s Lush loyalty…

US – Passport Technology surpasses 400 LiveCage activations across 17 States

Passport Technology, a global leader in innovative payment technology and customer engagement for the gaming industry, continues to lead in providing cashier automation and efficiency through LiveCage. Now in 65 gaming locations, the LiveCage platform is highly praised for dramatically improving labor efficiencies, reducing variances to near-zero, enhancing the overall guest experience with shorter wait times, and…

US – Lucky Eagle Casino deploys Passport Technology

Passport Technology, a global leader in innovative payment technology and customer engagement for the gaming industry, announced the installation of its cash access service, check warranty, jackpot dispensing, AML/Title 31 compliance, and cage automation solutions at Lucky Eagle Casino & Hotel, a Chehalis Tribal Enterprise.  “This ‘all-in-one’ technology is in perfect alignment with Lucky Eagle’s…

L-Istati Uniti – LiveCage ta' Passport Technology jaqbeż l-aspettattivi f'Pechanga

Passport Technology, fornitur ewlieni fid-dinja kollha tat-teknoloġija tal-ħlas għall-industrija tal-logħob, qabeż l-istadji kollha interni u qabeż l-aspettattivi ta 'Pechanga Resort Casino wara reviżjoni tal-prestazzjoni tal-prodott fuq bosta snin tal-pjattaforma LiveCage ta' Passport. Il-pjattaforma LiveCage ta 'Passaport awtomat it-tranżazzjonijiet, ir-rapporti, u l-monitoraġġ tal-flus kontanti permezz ta' sett ta 'softwer proprjetarju u ħardwer li jqassam il-flus. Il-pjattaforma...

Ċipru – City of Dreams Mediterranean testendi l-ftehim mat-Teknoloġija tal-Passaport

Passport Technology qed testendi s-servizzi tagħha mal-Integrated Casino Resorts (ICR) Ċipru u l-City of Dreams Mediterranean. Fil-bidu tal-2019, Passport intgħażel bħala l-fornitur ewlieni ta’ servizzi ta’ aċċess għall-flus kontanti għall-ICR Ċipru u ntgħażel biex jestendi dan is-servizz għal tliet snin oħra. “Aħna eċċitati ħafna li nkomplu dan...

Ir-Renju Unit – Passport Technology tkompli bl-impenn fl-appoġġ tal-karità tal-logħob tal-azzard problematiku GamCare

Fi sforz kontinwu biex tappoġġja l-logħob tal-azzard responsabbli, Passport Technology b’kburija tagħti donazzjoni ta’ £7,000 aggregata lil GamCare, l-organizzazzjoni tal-karità ewlenija tar-Renju Unit li tappoġġja lil kull min ikun affettwat minn logħob tal-azzard problematiku. B'din id-donazzjoni, Passport ikkontribwixxa 'l fuq minn £30,000 fi sforz biex jappoġġja lill-komunità tal-logħob u lill-patruni. Bħala karità indipendenti, id-donazzjonijiet huma vitali biex jestendu l-ħidma ta' GamCare...

Kanada - Passport Technology tkompli l-penetrazzjoni tal-casinos ta 'Alberta bi ftehim Cash Casino

Passport Technology, fornitur ewlieni ta’ servizzi ta’ aċċess għall-flus kontanti tal-każinò internazzjonalment, issa tipprovdi servizzi ta’ flus kontanti u mingħajr flus kontanti lil aktar minn ħamsin fil-mija tal-casinos ta’ Alberta bit-tnedija ta’ soluzzjonijiet ACM Owl f’Cash Casino Calgary u Cash Casino Red Deer. Il-pjattaforma ta' self-service ta' Passport Technology tagħti flus kontanti massimu lill-art tal-każinò, effiċjenzi operattivi għal...