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Arkivji Tag: Cashless

L-Istati Uniti – Acres tniedi App ġdida tal-Cashless Cashless

Acres Manufacturing has announced today the introduction of Cashless Casino, a new application that enables casino operators to deploy its cashless gaming and loyalty solution within 15 weeks of order. Cashless Casino is powered by Acres’ Foundation technology, the industry’s only solution capable of processing both real-time gaming data and conducting cashless transfers to and from…

Spanja – OKTO tisfrutta Tecnausa biex tespandi l-pagamenti mingħajr flus kontanti u responsabbli fi Spanja

OKTO jingħaqad ma' Tecnausa, is-Sistema ta' Ġestjoni ewlenija għas-swali fi Spanja, biex tespandi l-pagamenti f'ħin reali, mingħajr flus kontanti u responsabbli għall-plejers tal-magni tal-logħob. Is-soluzzjoni OKTO.WALLET se tkun disponibbli f'aktar minn 38.000 magna konnessi mas-swali tal-logħob tas-sistema ta' ġestjoni ta' Tecnausa fi Spanja. Nacho Frade, Country Manager ta’ OKTO għal Spanja, qal dwar is-sħubija: “Tagħna...

Spanja – Codere jdaħħal soluzzjoni mingħajr flus OKTO

Codere qed iħaddem is-soluzzjoni ta' pagamenti tal-ewwel mobbli mingħajr flus kontanti ta' OKTO fin-netwerk tagħha ta' swali tal-logħob u ħwienet tal-imħatri sportivi. L-app u l-pjattaforma tal-ħlas OKTO.WALLET inizjalment se jiġu skjerati f'magni tal-logħob madwar in-netwerk tas-swali ta' Codere fis-suq tal-logħob Spanjol kollu. L-ambitu sħiħ tas-sħubija se jippermetti lill-utenti Codere jiddepożitaw u...

L-Olanda – OKTO tagħti s-setgħa lil MagicPay ta’ REAC fl-ewwel ekosistema kompletament mingħajr flus kontanti fl-Olanda

OKTO daħlet fi ftehim strateġiku ma 'REAC ibbażat f'Rotterdam biex isaħħaħ is-suq Olandiż kollu tal-magni tal-logħob arcade b'servizzi ta' ħlas mingħajr flus kontanti. It-teknoloġija proprjetarja ta 'pagamenti mingħajr flus kontanti ta' OKTO ġiet integrata fis-sistema ta 'ġestjoni u monitoraġġ ta' REAC ppruvata fis-suq disponibbli f'aktar minn 25,000 magna tal-logħob f'aktar minn 200 post fl-Olanda. Il-cashless...

UK – OKTO jingħaqad ma’ bacta

OKTO, the award-winning fintech specialist, has strengthened further its relationship with the UK market by joining the domestic trade association bacta. The announcement follows the appointment of experienced gaming industry senior executive Rob Peché to the position of UK Country Manager. Simon Dorsen, CCO of OKTO, believes joining bacta reflects OKTO’s commitment to the UK…

US – IGT’s cashless gaming technology recieves Nevada regulatory approval

IGT’s cashless gaming solution with external funding can now be deployed throughout Nevada after completing the final stages of regulatory approval for its Resort Wallet module of the IGT ADVANTAGE casino management system. IGT’s entire cashless gaming solution, which includes the option for one-step external funding via IGTPay on personal mobile devices, is now approved…

Spanja – OKTO tmexxi r-rivoluzzjoni tal-logħob tal-bejgħ bl-imnut mingħajr flus kontanti ta' Spanja hekk kif Recreativos Martin jibda jaħdem

OKTO, which made history in June when it became the first payments provider to receive homologation to incorporate digital cashless payments directly on gaming machines in Spain, has confirmed that it has gone live with the Murcia-based arcade operator Recreativos Martin. The OKTO.WALLET, a fully cashless, secure, seamless, and licensed mobile-first payment solution available directly…

Ir-Renju Unit – OKTO se juri t-teknoloġija mingħajr flus kontanti li twassal fis-suq fl-EAG

Payment solutions provider OKTO to show market-leading cashless technology at EAG In less than eight months OKTO has secured partnership agreements with a host of UK-based brands including Regal, Inspired, Bob Rudd MERKUR Bingo and MERKUR Slots. 2022 will see it continue to engage with the domestic industry starting with a debut appearance at the…

Il-Ġermanja – OKTO jiffirma ma’ Merkur Slots u Merkur Bingo biex testendi relazzjoni dejjem tikber mingħajr flus kontanti ma’ plejers tal-magni tar-Renju Unit

The OKTO brand continues to build its status and reputation as UK gaming’s premier cashless payments provider having secured agreements with both the MERKUR Slots and the MERKUR Bingo brands. The deals, which were completed and signed by Simon Dorsen, Chief Commercial Officer at OKTO and Sascha Blodau, General Manager, MERKUR UK at last week’s…