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Arkivji Tag: Grupp ta 'Grad

UK – Rank returns to profit but London casino performance a cause for concern

Rank Group has reported an underlying operating profit of £40.4m for the financial year, up from a loss of £82.4m in 2020/21, albeit a year heavily impacted by the pandemic with venues closed at various points. Second half performance was adversely impacted by ‘difficult trading conditions’ in Grosvenor venues, particularly in London, which led to…

UK – Rank lowers profit expectations following ‘softer performance’ across Grosvenor Casinos

Rank Group has lowered its profit expectations for the year ending 30 June following ‘softer performance’ in its UK venues with visit numbers down across Grosvenor casinos. Rank reported ‘some improvement’ in Grosvenor’s performance post April, but it has been considerably weaker than expected, principally due to a slower than expected return of higher spending…

UK - Rank tirrevedi l-firxa tal-EBIT tagħha għall-aħħar tas-sena

L-operatur Brittaniku tal-imħatri Rank Group naqqas il-firxa ta’ EBIT gwidata qabel ta’ £55m għal £65m għas-sena li ntemmet fit-30 ta’ Ġunju 2022 għal firxa ta’ £47m sa £55m. Il-postijiet tar-Renju Unit ta' Rank (Grosvenor u Mecca) ingħalqu għat-3 T2020 21/XNUMX kollu. Il-postijiet Enracha tagħha fi Spanja kienu miftuħa għal parti mill-...

UK – Ikklassifika biex tirkupra kważi £80m minħabba l-VAT fuq is-slots

Rank Group, operatur tad-ditti Grosvenor Casinos u Mecca Bingo fir-Renju Unit, se jirċievi rifużjoni ta’ £77.5m ($104.04m) mid-Dħul u d-Dwana tal-Maestà Tagħha (HMRC), l-awtorità tat-taxxa Brittanika, fuq it-taxxi fuq il-valur miżjud imħallsa fuq Dħul mill-magni tal-islots bejn l-2006 u l-2013. Kumpaniji oħra tal-imħatri qed jistennew qligħ mhux mistenni bħala riżultat tal-...

UK – Rank’s revenues savaged by closures but non-London casinos back at 98 per cent of pre-pandemic levels

With 79 per cent of the Rank Group’s revenue being derived from its venues businesses, closures imposed in the Government’s response to the pandemic amounting to 59 per cent of available operating days together with capacity constraints, and reduced opening hours have seen revenues fall by 50 per cent, giving an operating loss of £67m….

UK – Negozjanti ta’ Grosvenor li jibbenefikaw minn Grosvenor Casinos Gaming Academy

The Grosvenor Casinos Gaming Academy, a six-week programme that teaches non-gaming team members how to deal some of the most popular casino games including Blackjack, Poker and Roulette., is paying off with team member in Reading, Midlands, Cardiff and Manchester all benefitting from the course with plans for further Gaming Academies throughout the year. As…

Hawkeye ta' Rank Group jittratta l-kwistjoni tal-logħob online b'veloċità għolja

Ir-Rank Group, inklużi Grosvenor Casinos u Mecca Bingo, għandu juża s-sistema 'Hawkeye' f'ħin reali bħala parti mit-tnedija ta' Safer Gambling fi ħdan il-hub ta' appoġġ għall-klijenti tiegħu, inkluż monitoraġġ tal-klijenti 24/2003. F'Ġunju, Rank Group nieda skrivanija ġdida ta' monitoraġġ tal-logħob tal-azzard aktar sikur f'ħin reali li għandha titħaddem madwar il-marki tal-Grosvenor Casinos u Mecca Bingo tal-operatur....

UK – Id-ditti tal-imħatri sportivi jagħtu profitti minn Britainna Stakes lill-Prostate Cancer

L-akbar membri tal-Kunsill tal-Imħatri u l-Logħob qablu li jagħtu l-profitti kollha tagħhom mill-Britainna Stakes, li ssir f’Royal Ascot fis-17 ta’ Ġunju, lil Prostate Cancer UK, Marie Curie, it-tliet organizzazjonijiet tal-karità tal-Forzi Armati u Care Radio. Flutter (Paddy Power, Betfair, Sky Bet), bet365, Entain (Ladbrokes, Coral), William Hill, Kindred (Unibet),...

UK – Rank to deploy real-time ‘Hawkeye’ system as part of Safer Gambling rollout

The Rank Group have developed an innovative real-time safer gambling monitoring desk as part of the group’s continued roll-out of safer gambling measures. The Grosvenor casino and Mecca bingo owner has invested significantly in the firm’s Customer support hub in order to identify, more swiftly, customer online behaviour that may require interventions, building on real-time…