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Paraguay – Sports betting tender fair says regulator

María Galván, interim president of the National Gaming Commission (Conajzar) told local press that the tender for sports betting was fair and that it “is not rigged.” In September the president of the Paraguayan Chamber of Games of Chance Aníbal Salomón, questioned the call for tenders, the short time given for the presentation of offers,…

Paragwaj – Infetħu offerti għall-imħatri sportivi għal detentur ġdid ta’ liċenzja

Il-Kummissjoni Nazzjonali tal-Logħob (Conajzar) fetħet l-offerti bħala parti mis-sejħa għall-Offerta Pubblika Nru 01/2022, li se tagħti liċenzja għall-imħatri sportivi għall-ħames snin li ġejjin. B’kollox sitt kumpaniji kienu talbu t-Termini u l-Kundizzjonijiet tal-Offerti, iżda tlieta biss issottomettew l-offerti tagħhom. Il-ftuħ formali tal-offerti...

L-Arġentina – Córdoba tpoġġi tmien kumpaniji għal-liċenzji onlajn

Il-provinċja ta’ Córdoba għażlet minn qabel tmien kumpaniji biex joperaw logħob online. Għalkemm il-provinċja Arġentina għandha l-kapaċità li tapprova għaxar kumpaniji, hija għamlet biss tmienja mqassra, peress li Betway u Skill On Net kienu esklużi. Il-kumpaniji se jkollhom ġimgħatejn biex jikkontestaw ir-rifjuti tagħhom u jisfidaw operaturi oħra li jfisser li n-numru jista’ jitnaqqas...

Malta – Il-Gvern Malti jniedi tender miftuħ għal liċenzja eżistenti

Bil-liċenzja tal-operat tad-Dragonara Casino ta’ Malta li għandha tiskadi f’Ġunju, il-Privatization Unit ta’ Malta issa nediet talba għal proposti biex operatur tal-każinò jieħu l-liċenzja għal għaxar snin oħra. Il-kumpanija wara l-każinò ta’ San Ġiljan, Dragonara Gaming, ko-proprjetà ta’ Johann Schembri u l-familja Bianchi, għandha...

Andorra – Andorra government wants more time to ‘officially’ award license

The Government of Andorra has once again extended the deadline for the granting of the single casino licence in Andorra. This time the government says that it needs more time to officially award the licence due to the complexity of the process. The regulator has decided to extend the granting of the casino license until…

Paragwaj – Hard Rock irid jissieħeb fl-offerta fil-Paragwaj wara Digriet Presidenzjali

The President of the Republic of Paraguay has authorised by decree, the development of a tourism project in a building belonging to the headquarters of Paraguay’s National Ports Authority (ANNP) in Ciudad del Este. The decree rules that the tender for the construction and operation of a casino and hotel in a building owned by…

Cyprus – Cypriot submissions given three month extension

The Legal and the Audit Services in Cyprus have approved a three month extension to finalise casino blueprints following a request from two of the three companies in the second round. The extension will not affect the date that the government is planning to announce its winner though. The three bidders will need to submit…

Paraguay – Paraguay to launch tender for new casinos this year

The National Gaming Commission of Paraguay (CONAJZAR) has announced plans to discuss the bidding process for casinos in three departments in Paraguay beginning with the Central Department. According to CONAJZAR President Javier Balbuena the tender process could begin in the second half of July and be awarded in early September this year. Mr. Balbuena said…