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Arkivji Tag: Atari

L-Istati Uniti – GSD Group jiżvela lukanda futuristika Atari esports stabbilita għal Las Vegas

GSD Group has hired world-renowned architecture and design firm Gensler and unveiled their vision for the highly anticipated pop culture and video game-inspired Atari Hotels with the first two hotels to open in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Phoenix, Arizona. In addition, GSD Group has secured the rights to build future Atari Hotels opening in Austin,…

L-Istati Uniti – Atari jiffirma ftehim ma' Native Gaming u Black Dog Venture Partners

Atari, waħda mill-marki tal-konsumatur l-aktar emblematiċi u produtturi tad-divertiment fid-dinja, ħabbret sħubija ma’ Native Gaming u Black Dog Venture Partners biex tintegra t-Token Atari li ġej fil-Logħba ta’ Rwol Massively Multiplayer Online u l-librerija ta’ Native Gaming li dalwaqt se titnieda. logħob popolari ta 'slot casino. Native Gaming huwa każinò online ġdid ambizzjuż li...

Franza – Atari se tniedi fil-munita kripto b'Atari Token fis-sajf tal-2020

Il-Grupp Atari, wieħed mill-marki tal-konsumatur l-aktar emblematiċi u produtturi tad-divertiment interattiv fid-dinja, qed iħabbar it-tnedija tal-ewwel kampanja privata ta’ bejgħ minn qabel tal-Atari Token, riservata għal investituri kwalifikati. L-Atari Token se jkun ukoll soġġett għal bejgħ pubbliku skedat għall-bidu tas-sajf 2020 fil-pajjiżi fejn ir-regolamentazzjoni...

Isle of Man – Pariplay tniedi Atari Asteroids logħba instant-win

Pariplay nediet logħba Atari Asteroids instant-win, li ġiet żviluppata mill-istudjo intern ta 'Pariplay f'HTML5 u tipprovdi lill-plejers b'esperjenza immersiva, inkluża l-funzjonalità tal-isparaturi tal-ewwel persuna u grafika HD. Fl-2014, Pariplay u Atari ssieħbu biex jiżviluppaw serje ta 'titli tal-logħob tal-azzard bi flus reali bbażati fuq klassiċi tal-logħob tal-vidjo Atari. Wara r-rilaxx b'suċċess...

US – Atari goes all in with Atari Jackpots Social Casino

Atari, one of the world’s most recognised publishers and producers of interactive entertainment, in partnership with FlowPlay, a leader in virtual world games and technology and the creators of Vegas World, has launched Atari Jackpots. The Atari-themed virtual world brings casino-style play to an online, multi-player game – with classic Atari brands including Asteroids, Breakout,…

L-Istati Uniti – Atari u Pariplay jippjanaw it-tnedija tal-internet bi flus reali

Atari and Pariplay have announced a strategic partnership to launch Atari’s video game brands across real money gambling formats, including iLottery, social, online and mobile platforms. Atari is one of the world’s most recognised publishers and producers of interactive entertainment whilst Pariplay part of a joint venture with Majesco Entertainment Company and a high-performance gaming…

US – Atari moves into world of social casinos

Atari, one of the world’s most recognised publishers and producers of interactive entertainment and FlowPlay, a leader in virtual world games and technology, have announced a strategic partnership to develop Atari Casino a premier social casino gaming platform. With FlowPlay, Atari gains the back-end infrastructure, analytics, payment systems and in-game advertising integrations necessary to provide…