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Arkivji Tag: Indiana

L-Istati Uniti – Iż-żieda fid-dħul mit-taxxa tal-logħob tal-azzard qabeż $1 biljun fl-Indiana

After experiencing negative pandemic related impacts in 2021, Indiana’s casinos posted significant year over year increases that boosted Indiana tax revenues tom the tune of $1bn. Casino wagering and supplemental taxes for 2022 totalled $660m, up 18 per cent from $560m in 2021. Sports betting taxes were up 38 per cent, from $23m in 2021…

US - MaximBet lesti għat-tnedija ta' Indiana u Iowa

MaximBet ħabbret li l-Indiana u l-Iowa se jkunu ż-żewġ stati li jmiss biex iniedu bħala parti mill-espansjoni nazzjonali li għaddejja. "Indiana u Iowa jirrappreżentaw opportunità ewlenija għal MaximBet biex iġibu l-isportsbook ta' klassi dinjija u l-esperjenzi tal-ħajja reali mingħajr paragun għal tnejn mill-aktar swieq sportivi passjonati fil-pajjiż," qal Daniel Graetzer, CEO,...

US – Indiana sportsbooks finish 2021 with $463m December

Indiana’s online and retail sportsbooks closed the year with another busy month, producing more than $25m in revenue on more than $460m in wagering in December. Though just short of the record handle reached in November, December’s brisk action capped a groundbreaking year in Indiana that produced nearly $4bn in bets. “This fall has been…

L-Istati Uniti - Il-kotba sportivi tal-Indiana jibqgħu jaħarqu b'rawnd frisk ta 'rekords f'Novembru

Indiana sportsbooks narrowly set a third consecutive monthly betting record with more than $463m in wagers, producing a surge in revenue of nearly $50m. The good times for sportsbooks won’t end anytime soon with college basketball joining football and the NBA in the winter sports mix. “Basketball betting, both college and professional, is more important in Indiana than almost every other legal sports…

US – Indiana Gaming Commission tagħti liċenzja ta’ Vigo lil Churchill Downs

Il-Kummissjoni tal-Logħob tal-Indiana tat liċenzja tal-każinò għall-Kontea ta’ Vigo lil Churchill Downs biex tibni u topera l-każinò Queen of Terre Haute, u għelbet il-kompetizzjoni minn Full House Resorts. Proġetti minn Hard Rock u Premiere Gaming waqgħu f'ostaklu preċedenti. Ir-Reġina ta’ Terre Haute se jkollha sa 1,000 slot...

US – Indiana sportsbooks enjoy another good month in October

Indiana sportsbooks shattered the state record for betting volume for the second consecutive month by handling more than $460m in October. The surge in betting brought on in part by the year’s first full month of football also made Indiana just the fifth state to reach $5bn in lifetime sports wagers, according to PlayIndiana, which…

US - Full House sa 12.6 fil-mija fit-tielet kwart

Full House Resorts, operatur ta 'każinos f'Mississippi, Colorado, Indiana u Nevada, ġġenera dħul fit-tielet kwart tal-2021 ta' $47.2m, żieda ta '12.6 fil-mija minn $42m fil-perjodu tas-sena ta' qabel. Iż-żewġ perjodi jirriflettu kwart sħiħ ta’ operazzjonijiet li nfetħu mill-ġdid, peress li l-proprjetajiet kollha tal-kumpanija reġgħu nfetħu sa Ġunju 2020 wara li għalqu fi...

L-Istati Uniti – L-imħatri fuq l-isports ta’ Indiana jimmaniġġjaw $460m f’Ottubru

Indiana sportsbooks shattered the state record for betting volume for the second consecutive month by handling more than $460m in October. The surge in betting brought on in part by the year’s first full month of football also made Indiana just the fifth state to reach $5bn in lifetime sports wagers. “Five full weekends of…

US - Eastern Band of Cherokees tiċċelebra t-tnedija mill-ġdid ta' Caesars Southern Indiana

EBCI Holdings organizzat ċerimonja tat-tqattigħ taż-żigarella biex jiċċelebraw it-teħid f'idejhom tas-sjieda ta 'Caesars Southern Indiana North Carolina bbażata Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Il-każinò ta’ 110,000 pied kwadru f’Elizabeth huwa l-ewwel akkwist ta’ każinò ta’ EBCI Holding barra minn North Carolina. L-għan huwa li wieħed ikollu 'sitta sa tmien casinos matul il-ħames snin li ġejjin.' Għalkemm hemm...