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Arkivji Tag: AĦJAR

Malta – Kaizen Gaming pens content agreement with BETER

BETER has added Kaizen Gaming to its roster of partners in a deal supported by Betbazar, the global B2B iGaming marketplace. As per the partnership, Kaizen Gaming will receive access to BETER’s esports and sports content, inclduing the Setka Cup table tennis and ESportsBattle tournaments with additional disciplines to be added soon. BETER provides its…

Armenja – Digitain tespandi l-offerta tal-kontenut bit-tournaments ESportsBattle ta’ BETER

BETER żiedet id-Digitain mar-roster ta 'sħab tagħha wara li ż-żewġ partijiet għamlu ftehim li se jara l-fornitur tal-pjattaforma tal-iGaming sportsbook u każinò joffri tournaments ESportsBattle fi ħdan id-dixxiplina tal-efootball. Flimkien li joffru tournaments tat-table tennis tat-Tazza Setka lill-imsieħba operaturi tagħha u lill-plejers tagħhom għall-ewwel darba, l-imsieħba ta’ Digitain se wkoll...

Malta – BETER testendi s-sħubija ma’ Betbazar biex iqassam il-prodott ta’ Live Casino

BETER, the leading provider of betting content and gaming solutions, has announced a partnership extension with Betbazar, a B2B worldwide iGaming marketplace. Under the new agreement, Betbazar will distribute BETER Live’s games and services to operators across Europe.  This partnership extension follows the success of BETER and Betbazar’s collaboration in sports and esports betting content,…

Malta – BETER tespandi l-kollaborazzjoni ta’ Fortuna Entertainment Group

BETER has extended its partnership with Fortuna Entertainment Group to provide an esports odds feed and full coverage of esports events and tournaments. BETER has been working with FEG since 2020, providing the operator with a bundle of 24/7 in-house tournaments, named ESportsBattle, across four disciplines: efootball, ebasketball, ehockey and CS:GO. Evgeniy Bekker, BETER Esports…

Malta – BETER Live launches its first game show Gravity Roulette

BETER Live is getting the ball rolling with a brand-new experience for players everywhere following the launch of its Gravity Roulette game show. Gravity Roulette is a variation of existing roulette games that offers large payouts and sky-high multipliers. The game will be available on 8 March. The game is hosted in a studio carefully…

Il-Ġermanja – GRID tespandi l-kollaborazzjoni ma’ BETER għal servizzi ġodda ta’ esports

Il-pjattaforma tad-dejta tal-logħob GRID għamlet ftehim għal bosta snin mal-fornitur tal-kontenut tal-imħatri u tas-soluzzjonijiet tal-logħob BETER biex tintroduċi kapaċitajiet ġodda ta 'mudellar u tespandi l-offerta eżistenti tagħhom. Il-klijenti ta’ BETER se jibbenefikaw mill-introduzzjoni ta’ titoli ġodda fuq il-pjattaforma inkluż VALORANT, it-titlu FPS malajr jikseb popolarità fost l-udjenza tal-imħatri f’dawn l-aħħar...

Il-Polonja – BETER tespandi l-portafoll tal-isports bl-offerta tal-badminton

BETER qed tespandi l-portafoll sportiv tagħha permezz taż-żieda tal-badminton mal-offerta tagħha. Imħaddma minn BETER, Setka Cup se tkun qed tospita tournament wieħed round-robin tal-badminton ta’ 12-il partita kuljum, b’kull tournament ikkontestat minn ħames plejers. It-tournaments se jinkludu plejers professjonali tal-badminton u jsiru mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa, b'total ta' aktar minn...

Il-Polonja – Setka Cup ta’ BETER tiftaħ arena tat-table tennis fi Gdańsk

Il-pjattaforma internazzjonali tat-table tennis Setka Cup fetħet it-13-il arena sportiva tagħha fi Gdańsk, il-Polonja. Imħaddem mill-fornitur tal-kontenut tal-imħatri u tal-logħob BETER u l-ewwel imnedija mill-pjattaforma fil-Polonja, il-ftuħ huwa pass ieħor fl-istrateġija ta 'espansjoni tas-Setka Cup. Is-Setka Cup diġà nediet postijiet sportivi f'diversi bliet Ewropej,...

Malta – BETER toħroġ widget ġdid tal-istatistika u żżidha mas-soluzzjoni iFrame

In an ongoing effort to create a more immersive and exciting betting experience for the next-gen audience of operators, the leading content and data provider, BETER, has rolled out the enhancement of its iFrame solution — new statistics widget. This new feature provides key information on the game and players’ performance, like hero picks, stats…