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Arkivji Tag: Coolbet

US – Coolbet joins the International Betting Integrity Association

Coolbet, part of the Vincent Group acquired in 2021 by GAN, a leading North American B2B and B2C internet gambling company, has joined the International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA). It follows the operator’s approval by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) to offer online gambling services in the Canadian province. The operator also…

In-Norveġja – Il-kontenut ta’ iSoftBet jibda jaħdem ma’ Coolbet

iSoftBet, the leading online games supplier and content aggregator, has agreed a strategic content partnership with Scandinavian operator Coolbet. Maintaining a strong presence in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Canada, Chile, Estonia, Peru, and Ecuador, Coolbet is a fast-growing operator lead by a management team with over nine decades of industry experience, known to provide its…

L-Istati Uniti – GAN jiffirma l-ewwel ftehim għall-magna tal-isportsbook Coolbet

Il-GAN iffirma l-ewwel Ittra ta' Intenzjoni tagħha ma' klijent eżistenti biex jipprovdi l-magna l-ġdida tal-kotba sportivi 'Coolbet' tagħha, li bħalissa qed tiġi integrata teknikament għall-iskjerament fl-Istati Uniti minn GAN, għat-tnedija operattiva fil-Commonwealth ta' Virginia bħala l-ewwel mobbli għall-internet biss. Esperjenza ta' mħatri fuq l-isports, soġġetta għal approvazzjonijiet regolatorji u liċenzja tal-klijent tal-operatur. Il-LOI...

L-Istati Uniti - GAN jagħmel moviment tal-imħatri sportivi bl-akkwist ta 'Coolbet

GAN has announced that it has signed a definitive purchase agreement to acquire Coolbet for approximately €149m. The acquisition is expected to close in the first quarter of 2021, subject to regulatory review and the satisfaction of certain closing conditions. GAN expects to fund the acquisition with new capital. The acquisition will leverage Coolbet’s proprietary…