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Arkivji Tag: Echo Divertiment

L-Awstralja – The Star Brisbane se taqla’ $1 biljun lill-gvern ta’ Queensland

Star Entertainment Group tal-Awstralja se jħallas lill-gvern ta’ Queensland $272 miljun bi skambju għad-dritt li jiżviluppa l-każinò u r-resort Queen's Wharf, li se jiġġenera aktar minn $1 biljun ta’ taxxa tal-istat fuq għaxar snin. Il-Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk u ċ-Chairman ta’ Star John O'Neill issa ffirmaw il-kuntratt finali għar-resort tal-każinò ta’ A$3bn fuq...

Awstralja – L-azzjonisti ta' Echo japprovaw il-bidla tal-isem għal Star Entertainment

Shareholders have approved a parent company name change for Echo Entertainment Group Limited at its Annual General Meeting in Sydney. The company will trade as The Star Entertainment Group Limited. The name change will allow a seamless transition to a consolidated brand platform which will, over time, lead to The Star identity being adopted consistently…

Australia – Genting cleared to increase stake in Echo

Genting Hong Kong has been given the green light to increase its stake in casino operator Echo Entertainment to up to 23 per cent. The group currently owns a 6.6 per cent stake in Echo, the operator of The Star in Sydney, Brisbane’s Treasury Casino and Jupiters on the Gold Coast. The Independent Liquor &…

L-Awstralja – Echo se terġa’ tissejjaħ Star Entertainment Group

Echo Entertainment Group qed jitlob lill-azzjonisti tiegħu biex japprovaw branding mill-ġdid tal-kumpanija kollha lil Star Entertainment Group meta jorganizza l-AGM tiegħu f’Novembru, f’mossa li se tara l-casinos individwali tiegħu jerġgħu jinbidlu biex jirriflettu l-konnessjoni tagħhom mal-każinò ewlieni The Star f’Sydney. Iċ-Ċermen ta' Echo, John O'Neill AO, ikkonferma li...

L-Awstralja – Jupiters se jisponsorjaw il-Logħob tal-Commonwealth tal-Gold Coast 2018

Il-proprjetà Gold Coast ta' Echo Entertainment, Jupiters Hotel & Casino, saret l-ewwel Imsieħeb Uffiċjali tal-Logħob tal-Commonwealth Gold Coast 2018. Il-punt ta’ referenza emblematiku tal-Kosta tad-Deheb ikkonfermat il-ġimgħa li għaddiet li torri ġdid ta’ lukanda b’sitt stilel, 17-il sular b’suites kollha, parti minn żvilupp mill-ġdid globali ta’ $345, se jiftaħ fuq quddiem tal-lukanda eżistenti fil-...

Australia – Echo breaks ground on Jupiter’s transformation

A transformed Jupiters Hotel & Casino will enhance the Gold Coast’s reputation as one of the world’s top tourist destinations when the global spotlight shines on the region in 2018, according to Echo Entertainment Chairman, John O’Neill AO. At a ground-breaking ceremony for the new six-star 17-storey hotel tower to be built in front of…

Awstralja – Echo jassigura opportunità biex jibni $1.5bn Queens Wharf casino resort

Echo Entertainment ingħata d-dawl aħdar biex jibni resort każinò maġenb ix-xmara ta’ $1.5 biljun fid-Distrett tan-Negozju Ċentrali ta’ Brisbane, u għeleb lil Crown Resorts ta’ James Packer għall-opportunità. Il-konsorzju rebbieħ ta' Echo kien jinkludi Chow Tai Fook Enterprises u Far East Consortium International. Il-bini emblematiku 'arc' se jiftaħar bi Sky Deck spettakolari, b'ristoranti u...

Australia – Echo claims Crown Sydney modification is ‘legally flawed’

A war of words has broken out in Australia where Echo Entertainment has claimed that rival Crown’s plan to open a $1.5bn VIP casino resort at Barangaroo is legally flawed. Echo has provided ‘legal advice’ to the planning department by Echo Entertainment, claiming plans to change Barangaroo’s blueprint to include a 69-storey tower could be…

Australia – Echo and Crown present Brisbane plans

Australia’s big two; Echo and Crown, have now presented their plans to transform Brisbane with the promise for one of the city’s casino licence at Queen’s Wharf in the city centre. Both operators are promising to revitalise large public spaces as part of their bid with water parks, playgrounds, open-air amphitheatres and giant screens coming…