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Arkivji Tag: Logħob FunFair

Il-Belġju – FunFair Games jiddebutta fil-Belġju ma’ Napoleon Casino

FunFair Games daħlet fis-suq Belġjan wara li nediet il-portafoll tagħha ta 'kontenut mhux tradizzjonali mal-operatur Napoleon Casino. Permezz tas-sħubija, l-offerta sħiħa tal-istudjo ta' titoli multiplayer u crash issa hija disponibbli għall-plejers Belġjani, inklużi Astroboomers TURBO!, Hugo: Up and Away u Five Ball Fiesta. Carlo Cooke, Direttur Kummerċjali fil-FunFair Games, qal:...

UK – Carlo Cooke joins FunFair Games

FunFair Games has announced Carlo Cooke as its new Commercial Director, weeks after the studio named Mark McGinley as its new CEO. As the Commercial Director, Cooke will lead FunFair Games’ new business efforts as well as oversee its sales and account management, supporting the company’s ambitious growth trajectory as it expands its presence across…

Id-Danimarka – FunFair Games jagħmel sħubija mal-5th Planet Games għall-ħolqien tal-logħba crash Hugo

FunFair Games has signed an agreement with 5th Planet Games, bringing forward the development of a multiplayer crash-styled title based on the popular TV show and video game character Hugo.  The partnership will give FunFair Games the IP rights to create a new fast-paced real-money crash game themed around the Scandinavian cartoon which is planned to…

UK – FunFair Games launches fast-paced version of debut multiplayer release

FunFair Games has released its latest title, AstroBoomers: TURBO!, is a fast-paced version of the studio’s first multiplayer release, AstroBoomers: To The Moon!. The game offers quicker and simpler gameplay, an updated UI and higher multipliers with maximum wins up to 10,000x – increased from 2,500x in the original title. Players must choose when to…

NFTs fil-logħob: gost jew fad?

Lloyd Purser, COO f'FunFair Games, jeżamina l-vijabbiltà futura tal-NFTs fil-logħob. Bit-tim tal-iżvilupp tal-'Labs' ta' FunFair jaħdem fuq it-titlu tat-tlielaq NFT tiegħu stess (esperjenza mhux tal-logħob tal-azzard), Lloyd jispjega għaliex jaraha bħala r-responsabbiltà tal-ħallieqa tal-kontenut tal-logħob li jħaddnu liema possibbiltajiet tipprovdi t-teknoloġija u jfaħħar lil Red Tiger ta' Evolution għal...

UK - FunFair Games jieħu ispirazzjoni minn logħob tal-każinò ħajjin ibbażat fuq ir-roti b'The Wheel of Steal

FunFair Games has released its latest real-money multiplayer game, The Wheel of Steal. Taking inspiration from the popularity of wheel-based games in the live casino sector, the new title combines elements from existing games with social features. Lloyd Purser, COO of FunFair Games, explained the thinking behind the game: “The Wheel of Steal is the…

Malta – FunFair Games jimmarka d-debutt multiplayer b’titlu stil Crash

FunFair Games żvela l-ewwel titolu multiplayer bi flus reali tiegħu, AstroBoomers: To the Moon!, bil-Grupp Betsson jaqbel dwar ftehim esklussiv biex jieħu l-logħba madwar id-ditti tagħha sal-ħruġ tan-netwerk kollu tiegħu kmieni f'Mejju. Ir-rilaxx jistieden komunitajiet ta' plejers li jaħsbuha l-istess biex jaħarbu lejn il-qamar f'rokit, bi premjijiet sa...

Logħob tal-Funfair: il-ħafna fażijiet tal-logħob multiplayer

Lloyd Purser, Uffiċjal Kap Operattiv f'Funfair Games, jispjega kif l-ewwel titolu tat-tnedija tal-istudjo, Rocketeers: To The Moon!, huwa bbażat fuq domanda dejjem tikber għal logħob multiplayer fl-ispazju tal-każinò ħajjin u l-komunità kripto. Lloyd jibda billi jispjega għaliex is-sħubija tal-istudjo mas-server tal-logħob remot ta' EveryMatrix, RGS Matrix, se tappoġġja l-Funfair's...

Ir-Renju Unit – FunFair Games tniedi bħala fornitur tal-logħob awtonomu

FunFair Games has officially launched as a standalone games provider with a vision to develop a new genre of games to attract the next generation of online gamblers. Taking its learnings from the crypto-gambling space, which has been successful in attracting Gen Y and Z players, FunFair Games, part of the FunFair Technologies group, has…