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Arkivji Tag: Betsson

Belgium – Betsson buys Belgian sports betting operator betFIRST for €120m

Betsson has bought leading Belgian sports betting and gaming operator betFIRST for a total value of €120m. At the same time, Betsson and Groupe Partouche, the publicly listed leading French casino operator, have announced a new strategic partnership in order to offer online casino services in regulated markets. A first joint online casino offering should…

Iċ-Ċilì- Betsson iżid il-preżenza fiċ-Ċili permezz ta' ftehim ta' sponsorizzazzjoni tat-tennis

Betsson ħabbret l-isponsorizzazzjoni tagħha taċ-Chile Open 2023, avveniment ATP Tour 250. L-isponsorizzazzjoni ta’ Betsson fit-tournament tista’ tkun kontroversjali iżda żżid mal-preżenza tal-kumpanija fiċ-Ċili. F'Jannar Betsson ħabbar li sar l-isponsor tal-kampjonat tal-futbol tal-Ewwel Diviżjoni Ċilena. "Aħna kuntenti li nħabbru s-sħubija tagħna mal-...

Arġentina – Betsson ingħata liċenzja online f'Cordoba

Betsson, permezz ta’ sussidjarji, ingħatat liċenzja tal-logħob onlajn fil-provinċja ta’ Cordoba fl-Arġentina, li hija t-tielet liċenzja għall-Grupp fl-Arġentina. Il-liċenzja l-ġdida, mogħtija lil Betsson u s-sieħeb tagħha Casino de Victoria, hija waħda minn tmien liċenzji li ngħataw mir-regolatur lokali Loteria de...

Ċili – Assoċjazzjoni tal-Casinos tikkundanna l-ftehim ta’ sponsorizzazzjoni

The Chilean Association of Gaming Casinos (ACCJ) has joined in condemning the Chilean National Association of Professional Football (ANFP) for the sponsorship agreement it signed with Betsson for the first division championship. Cecilia Valdés, executive president of the ACCJ, highlighted in an interview with local radio that the operator invested US$2.5m for the naming rights…

Malta – Betsson buys 80 per cent of KickerTech Malta sportsbook business

Betsson AB has through a subsidiary acquired 80 per cent of the shares in KickerTech Malta Limited from TG Holdings Limited. KickerTech owns a business-to-business (B2B) sportsbook operation. The acquisition will support Betsson’s B2B growth strategy by expanding its client base and providing additional scalable technology as well as strengthening the existing sportsbook with advanced…

L-Istati Uniti – Nuvei se tappoġġja lil Betsson fit-tnedija tal-kotba tal-isports online tagħha fl-Istati Uniti

Nuvei Corporation, il-pjattaforma tal-ħlas ta' għada, tħabbar illum li ssieħbet mal-operatur tal-logħob onlajn ibbażat fl-Iżvezja Betsson Group biex tippermetti depożiti u rtirar immedjati fuq l-isportsbook proprjetarju tagħha f'Colorado, fl-Istati Uniti li nediet taħt l-isem tad-ditta, Betsafe. Permezz tal-prodott tiegħu ta’ Trasferiment Bankarju Instant, Nuvei qed jippermetti lill-plejers fuq l-isportsbook online Betsafe biex...

Il-Greċja – Betsson jagħżel virtwali GoldenRace għas-suq Grieg

GoldenRace iffirma ftehim ta’ sħubija ma’ Betsson biex isir l-ewwel u l-uniku fornitur tal-logħob virtwali tal-operatur fil-Greċja. Bħala tali, il-plejers onlajn ta' Betsson fil-Greċja se jkunu jistgħu jaċċessaw l-isports u l-logħob virtwali ta' GoldenRace permezz ta' pjattaforma aggregator. Thanos Marinos, id-Direttur Maniġerjali ta’ Betsson Greece, qal: “F’Betsson, aħna...

Malta – GiG extends contract with Betsson

Gaming Innovation Group has signed an extension to the long-term agreement with Betsson Group for the provision of platform and managed services, which include customer service and full business operations across multiple territories. The contract extension is for an additional three years taking the term of the contract to Q4 2025. The agreement includes the…

Il-Litwanja – Wazdan u Betsson ikomplu jespandu l-firxa tagħhom fir-reġjun Baltiku

Wazdan has further strengthened its partnership with Betsson Group, the leading operator in the Baltic region, by adding Russian language games to the newly launched Betsafe.lt website. Betsson created a Russian-language website aimed at Lithuanian customers. 80 Wazdan games already certified in the country are now available at Betsafe.lt in Russian to attract further players…