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Arkivji Tag: Neccton

Germany – Neccton partners with Germany’s first online slot provider

Market-leading compliance software experts Neccton have landed another major partner in Germany, with Sächsische Spielbanken-GmbH & Co. KG. Their online slots product went live in January 2023 under Die-Spielbank.de. As the first state provider allowed to run virtual slot games with real-money prizes, the operator has attracted a lot of attention; therefore the company has…

Germany – Neccton enjoys further success in Germany with NOVO INTERACTIVE

Yet another huge name from the online gambling arena has signed up to join the Neccton family, as NOVO INTERACTIVE with its second platform admiralbet.de becomes the latest operator to bring the company’s mentor software on board for both Anti–Money Laundering (AML) and Responsible Gambling (RG). NOVO INTERACTIVE is the online arm of the LÖWEN-Group,…

Il-Ġermanja – Il-ġgant Ġermaniż tal-logħob jadotta s-soluzzjoni ta' mentor ta' Neccton

Mernov, one of the leading lights in Germany’s rapidly-growing regulated iGaming scene, has adopted Neccton’s mentor software to fulfil both its Responsible Gambling, and Anti-Money Laundering requirements. The company, part of one of the gambling industry’s big hitters in the Gauselmann Group, owns two of Germany’s top online gaming brands in JackpotPiraten.de and BingBong.de, and…

Malta – Neccton tilqa’ lil PressEnter Group f’roster ta’ klijenti stellari

PressEnter, the Malta-based gambling operator of internationally-renowned brands 21.com, JustSpin, NeonVegas, NitroCasino, UltraCasino and Rapid Casino, has signed up to use Neccton’s mentor Responsible Gambling solution to keep its players safe from harm. The group has enjoyed huge growth in both personnel and revenue in recent times, resulting in a move to new state-of-the-art offices…

Il-Polonja – STS terġa’ tistabbilixxi xejriet billi timplimenta aktar għodod ta’ Logħob Responsabbli

STS Group - wieħed mill-akbar bookmakers fl-Ewropa Ċentrali u l-mexxej tas-suq fil-Polonja - implimenta soluzzjoni innovattiva oħra fil-qasam tal-logħob responsabbli, b'ħidma mal-kumpanija Neccton li twassal fis-suq. Il-parrinu tal-għodda innovattiva tagħhom se jopera inizjalment fuq prodotti STS fis-suq tal-logħob tal-azzard Brittaniku, u warajhom il-Polonja fi...

Iżvizzera – Il-parrinu ta' Neccton jidħol fl-Isvizzera mal-operatur ewlieni StarVegas.ch

Player protection and AML provider, Neccton, has scored another major success in Europe in a new partnership with Swiss iGaming operator StarVegas.ch, operated by land-based entity, Casino Interlaken. StarVegas has been running under the casino’s auspices for two years now and enjoys a market-leading status partly thanks to its partnership with Greentube, as well as…

New Zealand – Lotto NZ juża s-softwer għall-protezzjoni tal-plejers mentor ta' Neccton

Mill-2013, il-Kummissjoni tal-Lotteriji tan-New Zealand – magħrufa aħjar bħala Lotto NZ għall-plejers – ilha tforni lill-plejers tal-pajjiż b’varjetà ta’ logħob, u tuża r-rikavat biex tagħti għajnuna finanzjarja għal bosta kawżi denji. Issa, Lotto NZ irrikonoxxa l-ħtieġa li jagħti lill-plejers online tiegħu l-aqwa fil-protezzjoni...

Id-Danimarka – L-aħħar ditta tal-logħob tal-azzard CEGO li ġġib lil Neccton abbord

CEGO issa tiltaqa’ flimkien mal-aqwa operaturi tal-logħob tal-azzard tal-Ewropa wara li għażel is-software mentor ta’ Neccton biex jipproteġi lill-klijenti tiegħu minn imġieba ta’ logħob tal-azzard dannużi. CEGO hija liċenzjata biex topera fi tliet swieq ewlenin – id-Danimarka, l-Isvezja u l-aktar reċentement, ir-Renju Unit. Il-kumpanija għarfet ir-responsabbiltà tagħhom lejn il-plejers u bdiet proċess ta’ għażla rigoruż biex issib il-...

Il-Ġermanja – Neccton iżid id-dominanza tas-suq tal-iGaming fil-Ġermanja

L-ispeċjalisti tal-protezzjoni tal-plejers Neccton żiedu d-dominanza tagħha fis-suq fil-Ġermanja wara li laħqet ftehim biex tipprovdi s-software tagħha lill-operatur ewlieni online NOVO INTERACTIVE GmbH. Neccton diġà qed taħdem ma 'ħafna mill-kumpaniji ewlenin tal-iGaming fil-Ġermanja inklużi Greentube u Gauselmann, flimkien ma' tliet lotteriji Ġermaniżi ewlenin. Oħra mill-aqwa ditti tal-logħob tal-azzard tal-pajjiż...