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Arkivji Tag: PlayUp

L-Istati Uniti – PlayUp tassigura aċċess għas-suq tal-iGaming ta’ Pennsylvania bi ftehim ta’ Caesars

Wara t-tħabbira tal-ġimgħa li għaddiet li l-operatur kien qed jidħol fis-suq tal-Iowa iGaming, PlayUp assigura aċċess għas-suq għal Pennsylvania iGaming. Il-ftehim dwar l-aċċess għas-suq jiġi permezz ta 'ġilda mal-proprjetà ta' Caesars Entertainment Harrah's Philadelphia Casino and Racetrack. Iż-żieda ta’ Pennsylvania mal-istati futuri tal-iGaming ta’ PlayUp turi l-viżjoni strateġika tal-operatur li jkun aktar...

Istati Uniti – PlayUp pins ftehim ma 'Wild Rose għall-aċċess tas-suq Iowa iGaming

PlayUp assigura aċċess għas-suq għall-iGaming fl-Iowa, ġimgħa wara li kisbet aċċess għas-suq għall-imħatri sportivi fl-Iowa u l-Indiana flimkien ma 'iGaming għal New Jersey. Il-ftehim, magħmul permezz ta 'sħubija ma' Wild Rose Entertainment, iżid it-tieni ġurisdizzjoni tal-iGaming għal PlayUp. Sakemm tiġi approvata kemm leġiżlattiva kif ukoll regolatorja fl-Iowa, PlayUp għandha...

US – PlayUp live f'NJ jidħol fl-akbar suq tal-imħatri sportivi tal-Istati Uniti

The New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement granted full operational licensure for PlayUp, adding the largest sports betting market in the US to the company’s growing list of jurisdictions. The New Jersey launch comes after PlayUp was granted approval in Colorado, where it has been operational since March. New Jersey quickly became the next priority for the operator who started…

US – PlayUp gains full regulatory approval for launch in the Garden State

The New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement granted full operational licensure for PlayUp this week, adding the largest sports betting market in the US to the company’s growing list of jurisdictions. The New Jersey launch comes after PlayUp was granted approval in Colorado, where it has been operational since March. New Jersey became the next…

US - PlayUp tniedi app għall-imħatri sportivi f'Colorado

PlayUp has officially launched its application and web-based sports betting platform in Colorado last week, marking its entry into the U.S. sports betting and online gambling marketplace. Colorado is the first jurisdiction in the U.S. for the company, which has aggressive growth plans for launches in other regulated states. The streamlined application offers an easy,…

US -PlayUp kollox stabbilit għal New Jersey bl-approvazzjoni tal-liċenzja onlajn

PlayUp, who provides online Sports Betting, Horse Racing and Daily Fantasy Sports in Australia, New Zealand and India, has expanded its footprint across the US by acquiring a betting license in New Jersey. This is the second market access agreement that PlayUp has announced after the recent acquisition of their Colorado license. The New Jersey…

Australia – PlayUp fined for offering illegal inducements in New South Wales

Betting operator PlayUp Interactive has been convicted and fined $7,500 after being found guilty of communicating illegal inducements to gamble, following an investigation by Liquor & Gaming NSW. PlayUp pleaded guilty to breaching NSW gaming laws in Downing Centre Local Court on 30 April, and in addition to the fine was ordered to pay $3,000…

L-Istati Uniti – PlayUp u 123gaming iġbed il-plagg meta takkwista

North American Daily Fantasy Sports specialist PlayUp has pulled the plug on its planned purchase of US gaming platform 123gaming citing concerns with the ownership of IP, commercial viability, supplier agreements, payment gateways, and profitability. PlayUp CEO Daniel Simic said: “We’d like to thank 123gaming for its honesty and openness with us. Unfortunately, the deal…

Indja – PlayUp tniedi Draftstars fl-Indja

Draftstars, waħda mill-pjattaformi tal-isports tal-fantasija l-aktar rikonoxxuti tal-Awstralja, ġiet imnedija f'wieħed mis-swieq tal-isports tal-fantasija li qed jikbru b'rata mgħaġġla fid-dinja; l-Indja. Draftstars India ġibdet 2300 reġistrazzjoni fl-ewwel ġimgħa ta 'operazzjoni tagħha, b'għexieren ta' eluf ta 'Rupee jitħallsu fil-ftit jiem inizjali tagħha. Hija timmarka l-ewwel darba...