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Arkivji Tag: Irranġar

Ir-Renju Unit – Genting tiżvela £1.6m rinnovament Orjentali fi Glasgow

Genting UK żvelat ir-riżultati ta’ rinnovament ta’ £1.6m tal-każinò tagħha fi Glasgow. Ir-rinnovament ra tibdil sħiħ ta’ wieħed mill-postijiet tal-logħob ewlenin tal-belt u tema Ċiniża ġiet inkorporata fil-każinò kollu. Genting Casino Glasgow għadda mill-ġdid biex ittejjeb il-faċilitajiet tal-logħob tal-postijiet u biex...

Ir-Renju Unit - Grosvenor tiżvela pjanijiet kbar għar-rinnovazzjoni ta' Sheffield

Grosvenor Casino Sheffield qed jinvesti aktar minn £1.5m peress li għandu l-għan li jsir l-aktar 'destinazzjoni innovattiva tal-logħob u d-divertiment f'South Yorkshire.' Għaddej kostruzzjoni biex jittrasforma l-klabb ta’ Duchess Road li ladarba jkun lest se jkun l-uniku każinò barra minn Londra li joffri firxa eżiltanti ta’ esperjenzi ġodda ta’ logħob interattiv. Issettjat għal...

Ir-Renju Unit – Napoleons jerġa’ jniedi f’Sheffield

A&S Leisure investa £2m f'renovazzjoni fil-Napoleons Casino and Restaurant f'Owlerton, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, b'restorant ġdid, bar, żona ta 'sala u art tal-logħob estiż kollha miżjuda flimkien mal-ewwel terrazzin tal-logħob fil-beraħ barra minn Londra. Mark Allen, kap eżekuttiv ta’ A&S Leisure Group, qal: “Konna fil-...

UK – Rank completes refurb of Gala Leicester

Rank Group has now competed the refurbishment and re-launch of Grosvenor G Casino Leicester following a £1m investment of the casino located on Highcross Street. Grosvenor G Casino Leicester is one of the 19 casinos which Rank Group acquired from Gala Coral Group in May 2013 and sits alongside Mecca Bingo Leicester. The company employs…

Ir-Renju Unit – Torquay li jmiss fuq il-lista ta' suċċessi ta' rinnovazzjoni ta' Genting

Genting is to invest more than £500,000 in its Torquay casino as it looks to refurbish the casino and add a new reception, bar and restaurant. The Abbey Road casino currently employs 70 members of staff. The refurbishment is set to be completed by  August 9 2013. General Manager Dennis Raven said: “Torquay has come…

China – Volcanoes burned out in Fisherman’s Wharf overhaul

Macau Legend Development has confirmed it is redeveloping its Fisherman’s Wharf on Macau’s peninsula, replacing fake volcanoes and a Roman amphitheatre with an opera house and dinosaurs. Despite only raising US$283m, less than half of what it wanted when it floated on the Hong Kong stock exchange in July, Macau Legend’s owner David Chow believes…

UK – TCS John Huxley at the heart of Genting refurbishments

Over the past 18 months Genting, one of the UK’s largest casino operators has embarked on a major investment and refurbishment programme for a number of its casinos. During this period TCS John Huxley has been working closely with the group to supply a whole range of bespoke live gaming equipment and accessories. Although each casino location has…