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Arkivji Tag: Kummerċ fl-isport

L-Istati Uniti – Sporttrade tniedi l-ewwel u l-unika pjattaforma regolata tal-kummerċ tal-isports fi New Jersey

Sporttrade, a Philadelphia-based sports betting technology company, has officially launched its sports betting exchange in New Jersey. This positions Sporttrade as the first and only dynamic sports trading marketplace in the United States. Eligible customers can use Sporttrade to trade in and out of positions on sports outcomes much like they would trade stocks, options or cryptocurrencies. Sporttrade,…

US – Sporttrade to expand in Indiana and Louisiana with Penn and Caesars

Sporttrade’s strategic partnerships with Penn National Gaming in Louisiana and Caesars Entertainment in Indiana will expand Sporttrade’s differentiated sports betting exchange platform to be accessible to eligible participants within the specified states starting in 2023. “We are incredibly humbled to be partnering with two of the most recognized Gaming leaders to bring our differentiated sports…

L-Istati Uniti – XPoint u Sporttrade jidħlu f’sħubija ta’ ġeolokalizzazzjoni

Xpoint għamel sħubija ma’ Sporttrade li se tara t-teknoloġija tal-ġeolokazzjoni tagħha inkorporata fil-pjattaformi diġitali kollha ta’ Sporttrade, u tiżgura li t-tranżazzjonijiet kollha magħmula mill-klijenti ta’ Sporttrade jaderixxu b’mod strett mar-regolamenti statali u federali. Imwaqqfa fl-2019, b'uffiċċji tal-Istati Uniti f'Miami mmexxija mill-Kap Eżekuttiv u l-Ko-Fundatur ta' Xpoint, Marvin Sanderson, Xpoint jipprovdi soluzzjonijiet ta' sigurtà ta' ġeolokalizzazzjoni u...

L-Istati Uniti – Sporttrade se tuża t-teknoloġija Nasdaq għall-monitoraġġ tal-integrità

Nasdaq and Sporttrade, a Philadelphia-based fintech, sports betting company, announced today that Sporttrade will leverage Nasdaq technology for surveillance of its sports betting and trading platform. Founded in 2018, Sporttrade was built to advance the sports betting industry by utilizing exchange technology and processes to enhance and democratize the traditional betting experience. Sporttrade’s open trading…

US - Sporttrade jiġbor $ 36m biex jirrevoluzzjona l-imħatri sportivi

Sporttrade, a Philadelphia-based fintech, sports betting company, has raised $36m in funding, which it will use to ‘revolutionise gaming by following the playbook of the US capital markets and democratize the customer experience, while offering a secure and technologically advanced platform.’ The coalition of investors from both the financial and gaming industries include lead investor…

L-Istati Uniti – Sporttrade tniedi l-ewwel pjattaforma tal-imħatri tal-Istati Uniti biex tisfrutta t-teknoloġija tal-borża

Sporttrade, a Philadelphia-based sports betting platform, has launched sporttrade.com, introducing the gaming world to an unrivaled entrant with a unique perspective and mission. Established in 2019, Sporttrade utilises proven exchange technology and processes and applies them to sports betting, aimed at enhancing and democratizing the entire industry. Sporttrade will allow participants to trade sporting events…

L-Istati Uniti – Sporttrade u Twin River biex joffru skambju ta' mħatri sportivi onlajn fi New Jersey

Sporttrade, startup tal-imħatri fuq l-isports ibbażata f’Philadelphia daħlet fi sħubija ta’ bosta snin ma’ Twin River Worldwide Holdings. Is-sħubija se twassal għat-tnedija tal-prodott ta' skambju ta' mħatri sportivi proprjetarju ta' Sporttrade fl-istat ta' New Jersey, sakemm Twin River tikseb l-approvazzjonijiet regolatorji meħtieġa biex tlesti l-akkwist tagħha ta' Bally's – Atlantic City. Fuq…