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Arkivji Tag: TCSJohnHuxley

UK – TCSJohnHuxley launches new website

International casino equipment supplier for both land-based and online sectors, TCSJohnHuxley, has announced the launch of its new website at www.tcsjohnhuxley.com. The new website has been completely re-designed to provide a user-friendly experience with a fresh, responsive, and vibrant design, as well as improved navigation and functionality. Created with the user in mind, the site includes…

L-Istati Uniti – TCSJohnHuxley magħżula biex tforni STRAT li għadu kif ġie rinnovat

L-STRAT Hotel, Casino u Skypod, li qabel kienu magħrufa bħala The Stratosphere, reċentement għaddew minn rinnovazzjoni u marka mill-ġdid ta’ $140m li jinkludu aġġornament sħiħ tal-art tal-logħob tal-każinò TCSJohnHuxley huwa kburi li ntgħażel biex iforni t-tagħmir kollu tal-logħob għal dan Las iconiku. Vegas strip proprjetà u kun parti mill-eċċitanti tagħha...

US – TCSJohnHuxley receives Washington licence

TCSJohnHuxley has received a manufacturer and distributor license from the Washington State Gambling Commission, effective July 1 2016. This license allows the company to sell and market its extensive, high quality product line in Washington State. With over 30 casinos in the region and with two new openings next year, Washington State is a growing market…

Afrika t'Isfel - Royal Swazi jinstalla l-ewwel tabella progressiva

Witta t-triq għal logħob tal-mejda innovattiv fis-Sważiland, ir-Royal Swazi Spa ta 'Sun International ingħaqdet mal-manifattur u l-fornitur ewlieni fl-industrija TCSJohnHuxley biex tinstalla l-ewwel logħba tal-mejda progressiva fil-pajjiż. Fl-unur tal-50 anniversarju tal-każinò, it-tabella eżistenti tagħhom Raise 'Em Poker ġiet imtejba biex tinkludi s-sistema ta' Bonusing ta' TCSJohnHuxley, li tippermettilhom...

Arġentina – TCSJOHNHUXLEY jassigura shuffler deals fl-Arġentina

Wara prova ta '60 jum fuq l-artijiet tal-każinò tagħhom ta' 24 siegħa, A Plus Shuffler ta 'TCSJOHNHUXLEY issa se jsiru attrezzaturi permanenti fuq l-art tal-logħob fil-Casino City Centre Rosario u l-Casino Buenos Aires. B'operazzjoni 24/7 u kontra livelli għoljin ta 'viżitaturi kuljum, il-shufflers għamlu kif jagħmlu l-aħjar - b'mod effiċjenti, affidabbli u sigur....

UK – TCSJOHNHUXLEY appoints Pedro De Matos as Head of Global

After a short stint as a consultant, TCSJOHNHUXLEY is pleased to announce that Pedro De Matos has been appointed Head of Global Operations with immediate effect. Mr. De Matos has considerable experience in this role bringing input and value to the business in a short while. Going forward he will focus on UK and European…

UK - TCSJOHNHUXLEY isaħħaħ it-tim tal-bejgħ tal-EMEA

With the recent creation of the EMEA division, TCSJOHNHUXLEY has strengthened its sales team, with a number of key appointments. The EMEA region is of prime importance to TCSJOHNHUXLEY as it focuses on continuing to grow its market share. To meet this demand and to drive the business forward, the company sees three industry professionals…

UK – Grosvenor chooses TCSJOHNHUXLEY for three-Year service contract

Following a comprehensive and thorough tender process, TCSJOHNHUXLEY has been awarded a major three-Year Contract by Grosvenor Casinos to service and maintain electronic and traditional gaming products in multiple venues throughout the UK. A number of service providers entered the RFP process, which included evaluations on: quality of service delivery, value, capability, sustainability, broad product…

Singapor - TCSJOHNHUXLEY jirbaħ fil-Premjijiet ta 'Eċċellenza tal-Fornitur tar-Ramel

TCSJOHNHUXLEY kien kburi li jaċċetta l-premju għall-Innovazzjoni nhar it-Tlieta 9 ta 'Diċembru, fl-2014 Sands Supplier Excellence Awards li saru f'Singapore. Fost kważi 300 bejjiegħ li kkontestaw f'firxa diversa ta 'kategoriji, TCSJOHNHUXLEY kien wieħed mis-seba' rebbieħa tal-premjijiet biss. Il-premjijiet huma inizjattiva globali, immexxija mill-kwartieri ġenerali korporattivi ta’ Marina Bay Sands...