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US – CardsChat.com sees land of online opportunity

By - 28 ta' Awwissu 2013

From the early days of the online poker boom, through to the devastating Unlawful Internet Gaming Enforcement Act of 2006 (UIGEA), and on to the events of Black Friday, US online poker players have been waiting for the realisation of their dream of seeing online poker being properly regulated and legalised in the country.

L-aħbar it-tajba hija li hemm sinjali definiti li l-plejers tal-poker fl-Istati Uniti għandhom – ladarba jiksbu l-bankrolls tagħhom lura wara r-raids tad-DoJ tal-Black Friday ta’ Full Tilt, PokerStars et al – ikunu jistgħu jgawdu l-istess logħob bħall-plejers tal-poker madwar id-dinja. : l-istess logħob ta 'flus kontanti, tournaments, u 2-7 Limit Triple Draw Blood Wild River (OK, forsi mhux dak l-aħħar wieħed, imma eventwalment tista' bet dollaru tal-qiegħ tiegħek xi ħadd, x'imkien se joffriha).

“We are already seeing individual states legislate for online poker,” Nicholas Kisberg, founder and CEO of CardsChat.com says. “While there will certainly be states that will never legislate in favour of any form of online gambling, we expect US poker players to have some great new choices in the next few years. This is an industry that grows rapidly. Once acceptance comes in some of these fledgling sites could grow to be truly huge.”
In 2011 the Wire Act – an antiquated law regarding bets on the phone – was amended to speċifikament ban betting on sporting events, but mhux online poker. The US Justice Department issued a ruling making online gambling legal, so long as it is permitted on the state level; that was a green light to some states that have been busy forging ahead with intra-state online gambling or poker. Some others, meanwhile, are playing a wait-and-see game and others flat-out banning it altogether.
Filwaqt li stati bħall-Oregon u l-Illinois joqogħdu fuq l-ilqugħ, qed jistennew kjarifika mid-DoJ dwar l-implikazzjonijiet il-ġodda tal-Att tal-Wajer, Nevada qed tkompli bil-pjanijiet tal-poker onlajn tagħhom stess.

Il-leġiżlazzjoni l-ġdida ta’ Nevada ġiet ittestjata fl-2013 fl-ewwel kamra legali online tal-istat, Ultimate Poker, bil-viżitaturi tal-2013 World Series of Poker tawha l-ewwel test run tagħha. Il-WSOP infushom jista 'jkollhom sit tal-poker onlajn li jiffunzjona bis-sħiħ għall-plejers Amerikani jibda jaħdem sas-Serje 2014.

Delaware and New Jersey are finalizing their own intra-state plans, with New Jersey’s system slated to launch in late November 2013. Meanwhile, Maryland and West Virginia look like moving in the right direction with their own bills. West Virginia has long been rumoured as a potential online poker partner for Delaware, and is certainly one to add to the list of ‘maybes’.

The problem with most States is that, in this toughest of recessions, is a lack of finances. They’re not willing to risk money għal jagħmlu l-flus. However, with West Virginia, Maryland and New Jersey not in the same predicament as others financially, online poker legislation could prove to be a win-win for them.

“Generating revenues from online gambling could be a great lifeline for some of the US states that are in financial difficulty. US states are in a position to make themselves attractive to this industry. They should be looking at other nations around the world and seeing the financial benefits they have reaped, and copying those models,” Mr. Kisberg said. 
The question is probably meta California will regulate online poker, rather than jekk.  The state is considered to be the most promising market for online poker, and the amount of money at stake almost ensures that regulation will take place at some point.

So what’s stopping them? Simply put, there are several competing players involved who all want to share equally in the risk and reward. 2014 has been mooted as the year when online poker “maybe” appears in California, but that maybe could well turn into a “not at all”.
Fuq in-naħa l-oħra tal-munita, madankollu, hemm xi stati, bħal Washington, li għamlu l-poker onlajn reat ta’ Klassi Ċ. Montana, Nebraska u Indiana huma fost l-istati b'liġijiet arkajċi dwar il-logħob tal-azzard b'mod ġenerali, bil-logħob tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn huwa illegali.
Fl-aħħarnett, ejja nagħtu ħarsa lejn Texas, id-dar spiritwali ta 'Texas Hold'em u tal-lagħba leġġendarju tat-triq li għamlu l-ewwel vjaġġi lejn Las Vegas bħal Benny Binion u Doyle Brunson. Filwaqt li l-poker darba kien imexxi l-istat, il-leġiżlaturi s'issa għamluha ċara li l-logħba m'għadhiex milqugħa. Iżda dan għadu jista' jinbidel.

Poker fanatic, and Texas Representative, Joe Barton has reintroduced his online poker legislation to the House of Representatives, joining another bill for consideration by the body. HR 2666, the “Internet Poker Freedom Act of 2013,” is Barton’s second attempt at passing legislation for industry regulation, and with HR 2666 joining New York Congressman Peter King’s bill, HR 2282, the “Internet Gambling Regulation, Consumer Protection and Enforcement Act of 2013,” there are two tracks that online poker regulation can take. Peter King’s bill is fairly far-reaching, intending to include ALL online gaming – not just poker. It would
Demokratiku ieħor, Harry Reid (Nevada), kien okkupat jifformula abbozz ta’ liġi federali li jillegalizza l-poker onlajn tiegħu stess, u l-pjan tiegħu jara forom oħra ta’ logħob tal-azzard onlajn imwarrba. L-Abbozz ta 'Reid jista' jara lil Nevada u New Jersey fil-kap tal-kju fit-tellieqa biex joffru poker onlajn regolat, li jippermetti sħubijiet bejn il-ġganti massivi tal-każinò fuq l-art tal-istati rispettivi.

L-abbozz ta’ liġi federali propost favur il-każinò jista’ jinvoka r-rabja ta’ Kalifornja (il-biża’ ta’ Reid hija li l-lagħba Kalifornjani li jżuru Vegas jibqgħu d-dar jekk California toffri s-soluzzjoni tal-poker onlajn tagħha stess) u ċertament se tikseb oppożizzjoni minn stati oħra li jippreferu intra-aktar bażika. sistema statali. 
Hemm tama ġenerali li hekk kif aktar stati jgħaddu leġiżlazzjoni intra-statali, u jistabbilixxu mudell li oħrajn jistgħu jsegwu, l-istati jingħaqdu flimkien biex iżidu l-prize pools, in-numri tal-plejers u d-dħul ġenerali. Eventwalment, dan jista’ jolqot massa kritika u jerġa’ jiftaħ il-gradi. U l-marki tal-logħob globali - partikolarment dawk imġiegħla joħorġu mill-Istati Uniti wara UIGEA - se jkunu qed jaraw is-sitwazzjoni bir-reqqa għal sinjali ta 'flus kontanti f'suq qligħ u rejuvened.

“All of us in the industry are closely watching what is happening in the US to see how things will pan out. Certainly it is a hot topic on our forums, and one that is hotly discussed. After all, many American poker players want to know if “the land of the free” is going to give its people more freedom to play online poker,” Mr. Kisberg said. “The regulation of online poker is surely inevitable in the USA. It might take a few more states to go it alone to start off with – Texas and New Jersey seem likely to be next – before anything countrywide appears. By the time anything federal happens, however, we may be grinding Sit ‘n’ Gos high above the Earth in our space capsules. Watch this space.”

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