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Arkivji Tag: Titu

US – G2E to be the springboard for several new product launches for JCM

JCM will feature a broad range of display solutions at this year’s G2E Las Vegas, including DSS FLOOR and CUBE in stacked and hanging configurations, the DSS FLEX, and the DSS MAX-R video wall. JCM system solutions to enhance the guest experience include the groundbreaking FUZION system and associated technologies, including the Peripheral Network Adapter…

L-Istati Uniti - JCM jinstalla aktar minn 1,700 Printer Termali GEN5 f'del Lago Resort & Casino

JCM Global installat l-Istampatur Termali GEN5 innovattiv u rebbieħ tiegħu fuq l-1,752 slot machine kollha f'del Lago Resort & Casino f'Waterloo, New York. L-installazzjoni kienet aġġornament tal-printers GEN2U eżistenti ta 'JCM u tagħti lil del Lago s-setgħa li tkompli ttejjeb l-esperjenza tal-mistieden bil-kapaċitajiet avvanzati ta' GEN5. Meta del Lago...

Cashless systems offer operators the best of all worlds

Jurgen De Munck, CEO and Co-founder of DR Gaming Technology, offers insight into the cashless debate in light of COVID-19 and expresses his belief that both TITO and player cards will become a technology of the past. Has the Coronavirus pandemic impacted the cashless debate? Can it now be said that cash is no longer…

Germany – Spirit Gaming signs up three more German casinos for Moniko TITO

Spirit Gaming from Germany has signed up three more casinos to use its Moniko TITO tickets with Casino Mainz, Casino Trier and Casino Bad Ems. Spirit Gaming is the exclusive distributor for Moniko in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland and The Netherlands. The partnership was only sealed back in February at the ICE and…

Ir-Renju Unit – Il-postijiet TITO se jżidu 30 fil-mija fi 12-il xahar tallega GeWeTe

In-numru ta 'AGCs li joperaw fuq TITO se jiżdied bi 30 fil-mija fi żmien sena, skond GeWeTe Sales Manager għar-Renju Unit u l-Irlanda, Mark Edmundson. Il-projezzjonijiet saru wara feedback minn klijenti li attendew ACOS fejn il-kumpanija proprjetà ta’ Gauselmann gawdiet spettaklu ta’ suċċess. “Ħafna mill-konversazzjonijiet li kellna ma’...

L-Istati Uniti – JCM jiffirma ftehim ma' CountR għal TITO, Transazzjonijiet POS u Aċċettazzjoni ta' Munita b'Veloċità Għolja

JCM Global u CountR daħlu fi ftehim ġdid li jġib sigurtà akbar, TITO, u soluzzjonijiet innovattivi ta 'ħlas mingħajr flus kontanti fiż-żona tal-logħob tal-mejda tal-każinò. Taħt il-Ftehim tad-Distributur Ewlieni, JCM se jqassam is-sistema TITA ta' CountR, soluzzjoni ta' ħlas tal-logħob tal-mejda li tippermetti tranżazzjonijiet TITO u POS, flimkien ma' veloċità għolja u...

Germany – Spirit Gaming completes first Moniko install in Germany

Spirit Gaming has completed its first domestic commercial success with Moniko TITO tickets with Sachsen Casinos introducing it to its casino in Chemnitz, the third largest city in the German federal state of Saxony. Romanowski, Operations Manager at Sachsen Casinos, said: “We are placing a greater focus on where our products stem and the ecological…

Il-Ġermanja – Spirit Gaming msieħba mal-ispeċjalista tal-biljetti TITO Moniko

Spirit Gaming mill-Ġermanja ffirmat ftehim ma’ Moniko mill-Maċedonja biex iġġib il-biljetti tagħha ta’ kwalità għolja f’numru ta’ pajjiżi Ewropej. Il-pajjiżi inklużi fil-ftehim tad-distribuzzjoni huma l-Awstrija, il-Belġju, il-Ġermanja, il-Liechtenstein, il-Lussemburgu, l-Isvizzera u l-Olanda. Il-kuntratt ġie ffirmat uffiċjalment waqt il-wirja ICE f'Londra fi Frar minn...

US – IGT brings single ticket solution to Washington

IGT recently became the first casino equipment supplier to receive regulatory approval from the Washington State Gaming Commission to offer Washington-based casinos a “Single-Ticket Solution” for their casino floors. With this approval, IGT Advantage casino management systems customers in Washington can now allow their players to use a single Ticket-In, Ticket-Out (TITO) ticket to move…