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Arkivji Tag: Covidien-19

L-operazzjonijiet tal-logħob tal-każinò tal-Istati Uniti – Pennsylvania sospiżi sal-2021

The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board has announced it will be working with the 12 operating casinos in the Commonwealth on closing procedures as part of a COVID-19 mitigation order announced by Governor Tom Wolf. Under the order, casinos will cease all gaming activities and patron entry by 12:01 a.m. Saturday, December 12th. The order impacts…

UK – Gambling Commission data details Covid-19 impact on gambling behaviour

The Gambling Commission has published data showing how the easing of Covid-19 lockdown measures has impacted online and Licensed Betting Operator (LBO) gambling behaviour. The online gambling data, collected from the largest online operators, covers the months March through to August. Between July and August GGY decreased by a further 12 per cent (to £406m),…

Betby: prodott pandemiku jniedi opportunità

Betby shares its experiences of approaching the market with a new product during a pandemic. The software provider has built revolutionary sportsbook involving machine learning and artificial intelligence with premium quality data feeds, highlighted by the company’s Betby.Games range. This year brought unprecedented challenges as the Coronavirus pandemic swept across the world, leading to cancelled…

Austria – Setting the right example

Austria is a shining example of how the Coronavirus pandemic should be handled and it was one of the first countries to emerge from a month long strictly enforced lockdown. Austria’s first Coronavirus case was reported in late February and a nationwide lock down began on March 16 when public spaces were off limits although…

L-Awstrija – Evalwazzjoni tal-impatt tal-Covid-19

L-Assoċjazzjoni Awstrijaka għall-Imħatri u l-Logħob tal-Ażżard (OVWG) hija l-vuċi tas-settur tal-logħob onlajn fl-Awstrija u tistinka biex ittejjeb id-djalogu bejn il-politika, l-awtoritajiet u l-operaturi. Mil-lat regolatorju, l-OVWG jimmira għal regolamentazzjoni moderna tal-logħob tal-azzard u l-imħatri onlajn, li tikkonforma mal-liġi tal-UE u l-ħtiġijiet tas-suq. Raffaela Zillner,…

Il-Ġermanja - Patir toffri firxa ta 'Separaturi u Dividers

L-ispeċjalista globali ta’ bilqiegħda, Patir, nediet firxa ta’ prodotti ġodda kompletament manifatturati fil-faċilitajiet ta’ produzzjoni tagħha stess biex tgħin lill-operaturi jilħqu l-miżuri ta’ distanza soċjali u ta’ sigurtà pubblika. Il-firxa l-ġdida ta’ separaturi u dividers protettivi Covid-19 għal każinos u swali tal-logħob tista’ tintuża għal slots, logħob tal-mejda, poker, tombla, kotba tal-isports, eċċ. Patir...

Cities of echoes

Italy was the first European country to instigate lockdown in the battle to beat the Coronavirus outbreak. It is also one of the countries most severely affected by the pandemic with over 235,000 cases and almost 33,900 deaths as of June 8. As of writing there were still, on average, 60 new deaths daily and…

Armenia – BetConstruct offers support to land casinos amid COVID-19 pandemic

BetConstruct is urging land businesses to unearth the potential of online operations, offering to extend casino brands to the digital medium by utilising its existing physical resources. Online solutions for land-based casinos is essentially a live streaming of casino games from the venue integrated onto a dedicated gaming platform. The solution opens up a number…

Malta – GiG joħroġ aġġornament operattiv dwar COVID-19

Last week, GiG deployed its Business Contingency Plan (BCP) and have reported all systems and operations as performing well. GiG operates from various offices in several countries and local measures have been taken based on the recommendations from the various authorities. Casino operations have not been affected by the turmoil and daily Net Gaming Revenue…