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Arkivji Tag: 4Il-Plejer

UK – Gaming Realms isaħħaħ l-offerta b’titli 4ThePlayer

Gaming Realms saħħaħ l-offerta tiegħu billi introduċa żewġ titli ġodda minn 4ThePlayer, 4 Fantastic Lobsters u 1k Yeti, għall-pjattaforma tiegħu. Id-duo l-ġdid ta 'logħob huma disponibbli esklussivament permezz ta' Gaming Realms u jsegwu r-rilaxx b'suċċess ta 'numru ta' slots minn 4ThePlayer. Dawn it-titli jikkumplimentaw il-kontenut Slingo ta' Gaming Realms stess, li jippermettu l-...

Malta – Yggdrasil u 4ThePlayer iniedu slot staġjonali 3 Lucky Witches

Yggdrasil u 4ThePlayer ħarġu 3 Lucky Witches, avventura ta 'slot li torbot li fiha karatteristika tar-rota. Ir-Rota tas-Sħaħar tal-logħba tista' tqajjem premjijiet fi flus, Win Spins, jew Mega Picks, filwaqt li l-inżul fuq spazju misterjuż se jippermetti lill-plejers jagħżlu liema karatteristika jridu jirbħu. Tliet tixrid ta’ bonus tal-qara ħamra jew aktar iqanqlu r-rota...

L-Istati Uniti – 4ThePlayer.com tkompli t-tnedija fl-Istati Uniti bit-tnedija ta’ Michigan

4ThePlayer.com has continued its expansion into the US as they were granted a provisional license in the US state of Michigan. This is the second US state that 4ThePlayer has entered, after they announced they were live in New Jersey with their own transactional waiver just a few months ago. The first title to enter…

L-Istati Uniti – 4ThePlayer jiffirma ftehim ta' distribuzzjoni tal-pjattaforma tal-Istati Uniti ma' Gaming Realms

Gaming Realms has entered into a commercial agreement with 4ThePlayer.com, a developer of innovative mobile-first gambling games, to integrate its content onto Gaming Realms’ platform for distribution in the U.S. 4ThePlayer.com, co-founded in 2018 by Andrew Porter and Chris Ash, has a growing portfolio of games that align closely with Gaming Realms’ own Slingo portfolio…

Malta – Yggdrasil u 4ThePlayer transizzjoni għal dimensjoni ġdida bi slot ta’ vjaġġar fil-ħin 10x Rewind

Yggdrasil, the leading worldwide publisher of online gambling content, has partnered with 4ThePlayer to release its latest unique YG Masters creation 10x Rewind™. The title is set to blast players back to the past with the Rewind Time Win Spin mechanic, which reverses time to repeat previous wins. To trigger this unique mechanism, three Win…

UK – 4ThePlayer earmarks US market following independent funding round 

4ThePlayer has completed a funding round from private industry individuals that ensures they remain independent and enables them to develop and release further games. The seven figure sum was raised from the founders and a small group of industry individuals including Daniel Burns, a M&A specialist, Gil Rotem, former Group Director of Gaming Strategy at…

UK – 4ThePlayer selects Yggdrasil’s GATI technology to accelerate global scale

Yggdrasil’s YG Masters partner 4ThePlayer has selected the supplier’s GATI standardisation technology to scale global distribution and boost revenue opportunities. Yggdrasil’s GATI technology enables game studios and developers to build and distribute content across Yggdrasil’s global distribution network. All Yggdrasil partners integrated to GATI can cross-sell their games to any global Yggdrasil Franchisee and share…

UK – 4ThePlayer iħabbar sħubija mal-Logħob First Look

4ThePlayer ssieħeb mal-Logħob First Look, li jippermetti aċċess dirett għall-portafoll kollu tal-logħob 4ThePlayer għall-komunità tal-affiljati madwar id-dinja u saħħaħ il-potenzjal tal-kummerċjalizzazzjoni tagħhom. Assi tal-logħob essenzjali, informazzjoni u data għal titoli bħal 9K Yeti u 1 Left Alive issa se jkunu disponibbli permezz tal-pjattaforma tal-kontenut, u jespandu l-preżenza tagħhom online, il-plejer...

4ThePlayer.com: Drop dead sabiħ ħafna

Imwaqqfa f'Lulju 2018, 4ThePlayer huwa kreatur u li ġej ta' logħob tal-azzard fuq il-mowbajl l-ewwel. G3 titkellem mat-tim dwar l-impriża l-ġdida, l-influwenzi u l-aspirazzjonijiet tagħhom għan-negozju. X'inhu r-raġuni wara l-formazzjoni ta' 4ThePlayer.com? X'jiddifferenzjak minn studios indipendenti oħra? Andrew Porter (CEO): Ridt noħloq studio tal-logħob...