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Arkivji Tag: Logħob ta' Inċentivi

L-Istati Uniti – Il-Logħob ta’ Inċentivi jingħaqad ma’ bet365 biex iniedi $10m Mega March Bracket Challenge

Incentive Games, the games industry’s free-to-play developer, has once again teamed up with bet365 – to launch an astonishing $10m jackpot for the 2023 NCAA Championship. A leaderboard and prizes will also be available, based on points earned for correct predictions, paying the top 5000 leaderboard places. The predictor game, which is free to play, simply…

UK – Il-Logħob ta’ Inċentiv iniedi Tournament Predictor b’bet365

Incentive Games have teamed up with bet365 to launch a bespoke, free-to-play World Cup game. In Tournament Predictor, players predict how teams will do in Qatar – earning points for every correct pick. A £1m jackpot is available for correctly predicting the entire tournament, while the top-scoring user will claim £100,000. The top 10,000 users…

L-Istati Uniti – Il-Logħob ta' Incentive jidħol fil-vertikali tal-esports bit-Teknoloġiji tal-Esports

Esports Technologies iffirma liċenzja tas-softwer u ftehim ta’ servizz ma’ Incentive Games. L-inċentiv stabbilixxa ruħu bħala żviluppatur prominenti ta 'logħob liberu għall-logħob tal-każinò, imħatri sportivi, u operaturi tal-isports fantasy. Permezz tal-ftehim, Incentive se tibni logħob personalizzat free-to-play għall-marki tat-Teknoloġiji Esports. L-ewwel logħba free-to-play se tinħoloq bl-użu ta' Counter Strike:...

US – Incentive Games signs Free-to-Play deal with FanDuel

Incentive Games, the leading independent provider of Free-to-Play sports and casino games, has touched down in the fast-growing North American market after partnering with FanDuel Group, the leader across sportsbook and online casino in the US. Under the deal, Incentive Games will provide FanDuel with a bespoke Daily Free Game (DFG) that will drive acquisition,…

Ir-Renju Unit – bet365 jimpjega Logħob ta’ Inċentivi biex joħloq sett ta’ logħob jackpot

Incentive Games has put pen to paper on a deal with bet365. The deal will see the games provider develop a series of bespoke Free-to-Play and Pay-to-Play Jackpot games for the operator, making them available to players in all global markets where it is active. Incentive’s games service include design consultation, game development, gamification consultation…

Curaçao – Inċentivi kbar għal GrooveGaming b’Logħob ta’ Inċentivi

L-aggregatur u l-pjattaforma GrooveGaming sabet l-inċentiv biex jissieħeb mal-fornitur Skoċċiż tal-logħob B2B Incentive Games, li għamlu talba għal oqsma ġodda siewja fl-industrija tal-iGaming, inkluż il-ġenerazzjoni taċ-ċomb, il-massimizzazzjoni tal-valur fil-bażi tal-klijenti, u, il-provvista ta 'dinja- soluzzjonijiet ta’ logħob ta’ klassi li jgħinu lin-negozji jirrealizzaw il-potenzjal sħiħ tagħhom. L-ewwel...

UK – Pronet Gaming iżid il-kontenut tal-Logħob ta’ Inċentiv mal-offerta dinamika tal-pjattaforma

Pronet Gaming, a market-leading iGaming provider, has added engaging sports-themed content from Incentive Games to its comprehensive casino platform. The Edinburgh-based studio specialises in the creation of free-to-play and pay-to-play sports games, designed to appeal to customers who may not normally be interested in online casino. The cross-sell potential of Incentive Games’ products makes the…

Logħob ta' Inċentivi: Nikkontrollaw l-arti tad-devoluzzjoni tal-logħob

John Gordon, CEO ta' Incentive Games, jispjega kif l-iżviluppatur jiddevolvi l-logħob tiegħu għall-arkitettura inqas żviluppata tas-suq Afrikan. John joffri argument konvinċenti għall-operaturi biex verament jieħdu ħsieb il-klijenti tagħhom permezz tad-divertiment, aktar milli jarawhom bħala komoditajiet. Kif tavviċina l-isfida li tadatta b'mod effettiv il-prodotti tiegħek free-to-play u pay-to-play...

Ir-Renju Unit – Titoli ta’ Logħob ta’ Inċentiv se jitniedu fuq il-marka Betsafe fil-Kenja

Betsson qablet ftehim mal-Logħob ta' Inċentivi biex jipprovdi sett ta' titoli biex iniedi fuq il-marka Betsafe tiegħu fil-Kenja. "Ninsabu ferħanin li nkunu allinjati mal-Grupp Betsson u nipprovdu logħob apposta b'xejn għall-logħob u bi ħlas għall-logħob għall-marka Betsafe," ikkummenta John Gordon, CEO ta 'Incentive Games. “Ma nieħdux...