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Arkivji Tag: Clarion

UK – Clarion jaħtar lil Andy Ventris bħala Direttur tal-Avvenimenti

Andy Ventris has joined the senior team at Clarion Gaming as Event Director responsible for the flagship ICE London brand. Andy, who reports directly to Clarion Gaming MD, Stuart Hunter, was previously Director of the 20,000-visitor London Book Fair where he had full ownership of the brand’s global strategy and delivered the event in April…

UK - ICE 2023 huwa f'kapaċità ta '85 fil-mija

L-edizzjoni tal-2023 tal-ICE London, li se ssir bejn is-7 u d-9 ta’ Frar, tinsab għaddejja biex taqbel mad-daqs fiżiku tal-avveniment tal-2020 b’85 fil-mija tal-ispazju tal-istands disponibbli diġà rriservat. Id-domanda kienet immexxija mill-esperjenza pożittiva tal-esebituri li attendew f'April flimkien mar-ritorn tal-...

UK – Il-membri tal-ECA japprovaw lill-ICE London

Eżekuttivi għolja tal-industrija u dawk li jieħdu d-deċiżjonijiet se jkunu fis-seħħ fl-edizzjoni ta 'April tal-ICE London ibbażati fuq ir-rispons mill-uffiċjali u l-membri tal-bord tal-Assoċjazzjoni Ewropea tal-Casinos. Laurent Lassiaz, il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Grupp JOA, huwa l-aħħar wieħed li ta l-appoġġ tiegħu għal dik li se tkun l-akbar wirja internazzjonali tal-logħob li se ssir minn Frar...

UK - Clarion iwiegħed dati għall-ICE fis-Sena l-Ġdida

Clarion Gaming has confirmed that discussions regarding new dates for the 2022 editions of ICE London, ICE VOX and the co-located iGB Affiliate London are progressing and will continue through the holiday period. Clarion intends to announce the new dates early in the New Year after due diligence has been completed. The decision to find new…

UK - Clarion jipposponi l-ICE sa April

Clarion Gaming has today confirmed that the 2022 edition of ICE London and the co-located iGB Affiliate London will not take place in February following growing uncertainty and concern regarding the spread of the Omicron variant. The exhibitions, which between them feature a total of 700 exhibitors, are now scheduled to take place in April…

UK – London not fit for purpose say Merkur

Merkur Gaming has issues a statement decrying the lack of discussion concerning the location of the ICE show beyond 2022. Merkur claims that show organiser, Clarion, has not listened to the concerns of exhibitors and that the show should be relocated within the EU. The statement reads: “The recently released ICE Location Analysis survey conducted…

Avvenimenti ħajjin f'salib it-toroq diġitali

Qabel l-ICE-SiGMA Asia Digital fit-8 ta 'Ġunju, G3 jistaqsi lil Kate Chambers ta' Clarion Gaming jekk is-settur tal-avvenimenti nbidilx b'mod indefinit. Kemm kien diffiċli li tieħu d-deċiżjoni li tikkanċella tant avvenimenti diretti fl-2020 – u x’kienu l-proċessi involuti fit-teħid ta’ dawk is-sejħiet ta’ ġudizzju? Il-prijorità numru wieħed tagħna ma' kwalunkwe avveniment...

Asja – ICE Asia Digital tiżvela kelliema u aġenda ġodda

ICE Asia Digital 2020 has announced further details on its lineup of new speakers and agenda. Scheduled to be held as a virtual event from Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th June 2020, the ICE brand’s inaugural Asia show will cover topics that the regional Asian gaming industry will face in the coming months and years…

Asja – Aġenda aġġornata u kelliema ġodda mħabbra għal ICE Asia Digital

ICE Asia Digital has published an updated agenda as well as announced several new speakers for the conference scheduled to take play 8 to 10 June 2020. Newly announced speakers include Mr. Steve Wolstenholme, acting CEO of Hoiana Casino and Mr. Alidad Tash, Managing Director of 2nt8 Ltd. The ICE Asia Digital agenda has been…