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Arkivji Tag: EvenBet Gaming

Malta – EvenBet Gaming enhances platform offering with Game Constructor tool

Leading online gaming software developer EvenBet Gaming, has significantly boosted its platform with the development of a comprehensive game customisation tool, which allows operators to seamlessly differentiate their offering with unique content. The Game Constructor tool enables operators to tailor any of the 30+ existing games on EvenBet’s platform to suit their players’ specific preferences…

Malta – Pariplay iżid il-poker ma’ Fusion għall-ewwel darba b’EvenBet Gaming

NeoGames subsidiary Pariplay, the leading aggregator and content provider, has added poker to its Fusion platform through prominent supplier EvenBet Gaming. More than 30 types of poker games will be made available, including the classic Hold’em, Omaha, Stud and Open Face Chinese Poker, as well as Rapid and Mixed games, alongside many more. EvenBet is…

Malta – EvenBet taħtar Kap tal-Iżvilupp tan-Negozju għall-Amerika Latina

EvenBet Gaming has appointed Roman Bogoduhov to the role of Head of Business Development LatAm. Roman previously served as Executive Vice President at the sports betting company Olymp Bookmaker, where he was responsible for editing odds, analysing sporting events, customer service, promotion production and staff management. The appointment complements the company’s Spanish-speaking support team in…

EvenBet Gaming: espansjoni responsabbli ġdida tas-suq pijunier

Billi jfittex li jiftaħ fi swieq ġodda, G3 jitkellem ma' Manuel Jimenez, ir-Rappreżentant ta' EvenBet Gaming għall-Kolombja, dwar l-opportunitajiet ippreżentati mill-bidliet potenzjali għal-leġiżlazzjoni fl-Ekwador. Il-kumpaniji kif jikkapitalizzaw fuq it-tkabbir tas-suq il-ġdid b'mod sostenibbli u responsabbli? Tista' tagħtina stampa ġenerali tal-operazzjonijiet tiegħek bil-Latin...

UK – Pronet Gaming jingħalaq fis-soluzzjoni tal-poker ta’ EvenBet

Pronet Gaming has added online poker developer EvenBet Gaming’s software to its platform in a deal that gives the supplier access to more than 30 different variations of the game, 24/7 support, API integration and omni-channel solutions, as well as SSL and monthly updates. The deal also offers Pronet Gaming’s clients the flexibility to choose…

Il-Perù – Apuesta Total tintegra l-kontenut EvenBet Gaming

EvenBet Gaming estendiet il-preżenza tagħha fl-Amerika t'Isfel wara li integrat il-pjattaforma tal-poker online tagħha ma 'Apuesta Total. L-operatur Peruvjan saħħaħ l-offerta b'ħafna kanali tiegħu bis-softwer tal-poker ta 'EvenBet, li ppermettiet lill-kumpanija tikkapitalizza fuq il-vertikali li esperjenzat tkabbir sinifikanti fit-12-il xahar ta' qabel. Il-plejers se jibbenefikaw mill-offerta tal-pjattaforma...

Malta – EvenBet Gaming ingħatat liċenzja B2B MGA

EvenBet Gaming has been granted a supplier licence by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA). The licence, which covers EvenBet’s core poker offering, as well as casino and sports betting integrations, comes as a milestone for the developer as it bids to build its operator network in the European market and beyond. MGA-licensed operators will now…

EvenBet Gaming: Poker jagħmel ir-rimonta aħħarija

Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta' EvenBet Gaming, Dmitry Starostenkov, jenfasizza l-fatturi ewlenin li qed imexxu r-rifazjoni tal-poker fl-industrija tal-imħatri u tal-logħob onlajn. Il-mewt tal-poker ġiet esaġerata ħafna, kif ippruvat fix-xena internazzjonali fejn il-vertikali għal darb'oħra qed isir prodott vijabbli għall-operaturi fl-ambjent online u mobbli. Madankollu, kif...

ICE – EvenBet Gaming se jesibixxi netwerk ġdid tal-LatAm Poker

EvenBet Gaming se turi l-aħħar innovazzjonijiet tal-prodott tiegħu f'ICE London 2020, inkluż in-netwerk tal-poker tal-Amerika t'Isfel u tal-Amerika Latina li għadu kif tnieda. Fl-Stand S3-200, id-delegati se jkunu jistgħu jsiru jafu aktar dwar in-netwerk il-ġdid, iddisinjat biex iħalli lill-operaturi jimmiraw lejn is-swieq emerġenti tar-reġjun permezz tal-pjattaforma omnichannel tagħha, li toffri aktar minn 32...