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Arkivji Tag: Osaka

Japan – MGM reaffirms its commitment to its ‘Osaka First’ Japanese blueprint

MGM Resorts International has confirmed it remains firmly in the race for an Integrated casino license in Osaka and that it was sticking to its ‘Osaka First’ plan. Osaka has now officially named the operators who have submitted their blueprint for an integrated resort with Las Vegas Sands, Wynn Resorts, MGM Resorts, Melco Resorts, and…

Il-pjanijiet ta’ Osaka ta’ MGM Resorts

G3 jintervista lill-eks Gvernatur ta' Nevada* Brian Sandoval dwar ir-rwol il-ġdid tiegħu ma' MGM bħala President tal-Iżvilupp Globali tal-Logħob hekk kif il-kumpanija tfittex li tiżgura waħda mil-liċenzji tant mixtieqa tal-Integrated Resort fis-suq tal-logħob Ġappuniż ikkontestat ħafna u li għadu kif ġie leġiżlat ġdid Għaliex MGM Resorts International għażlet Osaka bħala l-post preferut tagħha IR? Osaka…

Ġappun – Seba' gruppi ta' każinò jirreġistraw interess fil-Gżira Yumenoshima ta' Osaka

Seven casino operators will go head to head in the race to land a casino licence in the Japanese city of Osaka if it is selected by the government for one of three IR licences in the country. Dignitaries in Osaka want to select a group to build a casino resort on Yumenoshima, an artificial…

Ġappun – Il-konsorzju ta' MGM għall-offerta ta' Osaka jista' jilħaq ċifri doppji

The MGM Resorts-led consortium of companies to bid for a casino licence in Osaka could involve 12 companies. The Las Vegas giant has said its partnership with Japanese financial services group Orix is prepared to invest US$9bn on developing a casino in Osaka with the venture being split equally although MGM confirmed it would look…

Japan – Osaka confirms 2020 timeline to name chosen casino operator

The Osaka government has now launched its tender to open a casino resort on Yumenoshima, an artificial island in Osaka Bay, laying out a timeline of Spring 2020 for when it will name its selected casino operator. Governor of Osaka Prefecture Hirofumi Yoshimura said he wants the resort to open before the World Expo is…

Il-Ġappun – Osaka jindika l-investiment u l-footprint għall-IR futuri

Politikanti fil-prefettura ta 'Osaka tal-Ġappun stabbilixxew xi wħud mill-parametri għall-operaturi tal-każinò li jittamaw li jirbħu liċenzja tal-każinò biex joperaw hemmhekk, u kkonfermaw li l-investiment minimu se jkun ta' $8.5 biljun għal każinò bbażat fuq MICE li jkopri aktar minn 100,000 metru kwadru. Il-proġett se jkun ibbażat fuq il-gżira Yumeshima li qed tospita wkoll il-...

Il-Ġappun – Osaka se tibda t-tfittxija għal sieħeb tal-każinò 'kmieni s-sena d-dieħla'

Osaka Governor Ichiro Matsui has confirmed the Japanese prefecture, one of the forerunners in the race for one of Japan’s three IR licences, will start its own selection process to find a casino operator ‘early next year.’ Although there are no guarantees, Osaka has long been tipped to host one of the initial IRs. Governor…

Japan – Osaka needs a casino to help fund World Expo 2025

Officials in Osaka have gone public on the need for an Integrated Casino Resort to help fund the cost of hosting World Expo 2025 which have been pitched at about JPY125bn (US$1.1bn). The reward would be a casino on the man-made site called Yumeshima or Dream island in the Japanese city of Osaka, a large…

Ġappun - Caesars jippubblika ħames pjanijiet għall-Ġappun

Caesars Entertainment ippubblika l-pjani tagħha għal ħames Resorts Integrati fil-Ġappun f'Hokkaido, Yokohama, Tokyo, Osaka u Okinawa. F'Yokohama, trid tibni IR imsejjaħ The Yokohama Art & Culture Park and Entertainment Resort fuq Yamashita Pier, li tixbaħ mewġa biex tirrifletti l-post kostali tagħha fuq il-Paċifiku. Arkitetturalment, huwa ispirat...