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Arkivji Tag: R. Franco Diġitali

Spanja – R. Franco Digital jespandi l-portafoll bi slot Rock Foot

R. Franco Digital nieda l-aħħar żieda fil-portafoll tiegħu, Rock Foot, li qed tieħu lill-plejers f'avventura fuq irkiekel silġ. Tgħaddas lill-plejers f'pajsaġġ ġlata, il-logħba fiha sett ta' elementi essenzjali ta' esplorazzjoni bħala ikoni li jħallsu ħafna madwar il-gameboard 5 × 3. Is-slot jintroduċi s-simbolu Selvaġġ tal-footprint li jista' jissostitwixxi l-oħra kollha...

Malta – R. Franco Digital jippreżenta l-pjattaforma IRIS 4.0 fis-SiGMA Europe

R. Franco Digital wera l-prodotti innovattivi tiegħu u s-soluzzjonijiet teknoloġikament avvanzati f’SiGMA Europe f’Malta. Fost il-punti ewlenin tal-firxa tal-prodotti tal-kumpanija, u waħda li ġġenerat l-aktar interess, kien hemm il-pjattaforma IRIS 4.0. Integrata f'din il-pjattaforma hija l-amministrazzjoni ta' gateways ta' ħlas, profili tal-plejers, konfigurazzjoni tal-logħob u sistemi ta' rappurtar, li jippermettu għal...

Spain – R. Franco Digital ventures to the ocean depths with Treasure Keeper

Spain’s leading gaming provider R. Franco Digital is taking players on an aquatic adventure with Treasure Keeper, a new online slot that sees players explore the ocean floor for big wins. Treasure Keeper’s five reels, three rows and 243 lines see players follow the mermaid Wild symbol as she moves through all the reels to…

Spanja – R. Franco Digital jirrevoluzzjona l-kamp tal-battalja b'Total Strike

R. Franco Digital has laid down the gauntlet with Total Strike, a new online slot that see two sides collide in a thrilling battle. In a slot that challenges bravery, Total Strike’s five rollers, three rows and 20 prize lines see players run the risk of deactivating the largest number of bombs without exploding them…

Spain – R. Franco Digital returns to magical realm with Witches South release

R. Franco Digital has cast a spell with the release of Witches South, a new online slot that adds voodoo spells to a world of adventure and enchantment. Following on from the success of the Spain-based provider’s Witches North release earlier this year, this five-reel, four-row and 40-line sequel immerses curious players in a universe…

Spanja – R. Franco Digital tniedi slot futuristiku

R. Franco Digital has launched Cyborg 30L, a new slot that transports players to a future where machines look like humans. The new release from the Spanish company sees semi-human machines compete to win battles against each other. The theme is depicted through the symbols in Cyborg 30L, with high paying symbols consisting of robotic…

Spain – R. Franco Digital’s Wanabet platform integrates FeelSpin technology

Wanabet, the online betting and gaming platform of the R. Franco Group, has reached an agreement with FeelSpin, a Spanish provider of live gaming solutions. The deal will integrate FeelSpin’s technology, which is powered by Absolute Live Gaming, and expands the range of live casino products that Wanabet is able to offer to customers. Wanabet…

Roundtable: Potenzjal Olandiż

F'April, ir-regolatur Olandiż Kansspelautoriteit (Ksa) beda jipproċessa applikazzjonijiet għal 35 liċenzja tal-logħob tal-azzard onlajn qabel il-ftuħ tas-suq fl-1 ta' Ottubru. L-Att Koa, li għadda mis-Senat fi Frar 2019, jillegalizza u jirregola l-logħob tal-ażżard onlajn taħt kundizzjonijiet stretti. L-Att Koa se jara l-fornituri kollha (inklużi marbuta mal-pajjiż) tal-logħob tal-ażżard...

GAMING1 – R. Franco Digital: interessi reċiproċi u valuri tal-familja komuni

R. Franco Digital, id-diviżjoni diġitali ta' R. Franco Group, iffirmat ftehim ma' GAMING1 imfassal biex itejjeb l-appell u l-iżvilupp dinji taż-żewġ kumpaniji. Il-ftehim jagħti lill-klijenti ta' GAMING1 aċċess għall-katalgu ta' logħob u l-pjattaforma IRIS ta' R. Franco Digital, filwaqt li l-katalgu ta' logħob intern ta' GAMING1 ġie inkorporat fil-marka tal-operatur Spanjol ta' R Franco Digital,...