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Aqbeż għall-kontenut

Operatur Aħbarijiet

North Star toħroġ aktar dettalji tal-Proġett VORIA, id-dar futura tal-liċenzja tal-każinò Mont Parnes

L-entità Griega North Star Entertainment issa nediet uffiċjalment il-pjanijiet u l-istrateġija tagħha għall-Proġett VORIA, investiment ta’ €250m f’destinazzjoni ġdida ta’ divertiment u ospitalità f’Maroussi, li se tinkludi r-rilokazzjoni tal-każinò Mont Parnes fil-kumpless. Waqt konferenza stampa li saret fil-Lukanda Grande Bretagne, l-eżekuttivi...


Amusnet se tforni s-slots online tagħha lil Platincasino fi Spanja

Amusnet ħabbret sħubija ma' Platincasino operatur ta' każinò rinomat fi Spanja. Din l-alleanza timmarka pass sinifikanti fil-...

imħatri sportivi

Is-SIS tiżgura estensjoni fit-tul tal-kopertura tat-tiġrijiet taż-żwiemel Spanjoli

SIS (Servizzi ta' Informazzjoni dwar l-Isport), il-fornitur ewlieni b'ħafna kontenut ta' servizzi ta' mħatri ħajjin 24/7, estendiet il-ftehim tagħha ma' Spanjol...

Aħbarijiet tal-fornitur

Il-Lotterija Nazzjonali ta’ Malta tmur mingħajr flus kontanti b’NovoVision

Bit-tnedija ta’ total ta’ 56 cash terminal NovoVision minn Novomatic, il-klijenti tal-lotterija f’Malta se jibbenefikaw minn numru ta’ konvenjenti...

Operatur Aħbarijiet

Crackdown on illegal slots continues in Paraguay

Paraguay’s Public Ministry has formalised an agreement between the Ministry of Childhood and Adolescence and Conajzar to toughen protection measures for children and adolescents against the proliferation of illegal slot machines. According to the regulator slot machines are being installed clandestinely, and are often easily accessible in venues frequented by children and adolescents. Conajzar estimates that the number of illegal machines stands at around ...

Id-dħul ta' Nevada jonqos meta mqabbel mal-aqwa total ta' slots ta' Marzu li għadda

Year-on-year comparisions to Nevada's best ever slot total last March, saw state gaming win fall for the first time in eight months in March. Nevada's 444 major casinos generated $1.29bn from gamblers while the 220 casinos in Clark County ...

Anne Ward tieħu post David Foster bħala Chairman ta' Star Entertainment

Il-Grupp Star Entertainment ikkonferma li s-Sinjura Anne Ward inħatret bħala Chairman tal-Bord, b’effett immedjatament, li tieħu post David Foster. Għal perjodu interim, is-Sur Foster se jibqa’ fuq il-Bord ta’ The Star u jkompli tiegħu...

Il-PAGCOR ttella’ żieda ta’ 42 fil-mija fid-dħul tal-ewwel kwart għal Php 25.2 biljun

Il-Filippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) ikkonfermat li d-dħul totali tagħha għall-ewwel kwart tal-2024 laħaq Php25.24 biljun, żieda ta '42.57 fil-mija meta mqabbel mal-istess perjodu tas-sena li għaddiet. Il-qligħ ta' tliet xhur...


New fast-seating feature for live-dealer blackjack rolled out on SkillOnNet Network

An innovative new lobby feature from global entertainment brand SkillOnNet aims to cut the queue for live-dealer blackjack games and have players seated at their preferred tables in super-quick time.  With ‘Take a Seat’, players can preset their blackjack preferences to be notified of empty seats at tables that match those preferences ...

Swintt teams up with Casino 777 to increase regulated market presence

Swintt, the rapidly-expanding software developer behind popular titles Aloha Spirit XtraLockTM and Seven Seven Pots and Pearls, has announced that it has ...

Royal Flash unveiled by PopOk Gaming

PopOK Gaming, a trailblazer in the world of iGaming, is happy to announce the launch of their latest slot game, Royal Flash. This classic-style slot ...

Amusnet se tforni s-slots online tagħha lil Platincasino fi Spanja

Amusnet has announced a partnership with Platincasino a renowned casino operator in Spain. This alliance marks a significant stride in the company’s ...

Livespins jingħaqad ma' Nolimit City

Livespins, il-prodott soċjali live-streaming li jippermetti lill-plejers jagħmlu mħatri wara l-istreamer favorit tagħhom, diġà qed jieħu vantaġġ mill-aħħar ...

Isport Imħatri

Kiron Interactive strengthens Ethiopian performance with Hulu Sport deal

Kiron Interactive, a leading provider of virtual sports and numbers games, has announced the expansion of its partnership with Hulu Sport, a tier-one operator in Ethiopia, with the launch of its innovative Mobile Lite Football Leagues product. The new offering, known as the Hulu League, is an extension of Kiron's existing partnership with Hulu Sport, which already includes the integration of Kiron's products in the operator's retail and online channels via its ...

Pragmatic Play brings football action to Live Casino

Pragmatic Play is bringing fast-paced football action from the field to the felt with its latest Live Casino title, Football Blitz Top Card.   The new release is presented by professionally trained live dealers and combines sports-style ...

Sportingtech places new local talent front and centre at BiS SiGMA Americas

Full-service betting and gaming platform provider Sportingtech has introduced some of its newly-appointed LatAm team at this year’s BiS SiGMA Americas, showcasing how its local know-how and intuitive products can elevate any operator’s position ...

PA Betting Services solidify partnership with the Tote

PA Betting Services has agreed a deal to supply racing data to the Tote for a further four years. As part of this agreement, PA Betting Services (PABS) will serve as a supplier of UK and select International Racing Data for the Tote. ...


Aħbarijiet tal-Fornitur

Merkur Gaming’s collection of Linked Progressive Jackpotsb take centre stage at Peru Gaming Show 2024

The Peru Gaming Show is considered one of the most significant and influential B2B-Gaming expos in South America, making it the perfect opportunity for Merkur Gaming to showcase its impressive range of products to its Latin American customers. From June 12 to 13, the company will be exhibiting at the Centro de Convenciones Jockey Plaza in ...

Scientific Games and National Lottery of Slovenia strengthen instant game partnership

Scientific Games and Loterija Slovenije, the national lottery of Slovenia, are moving to strengthen their instant game partnership and position the ...

Il-Lotterija Nazzjonali ta’ Malta tmur mingħajr flus kontanti b’NovoVision

With the rollout of a total of 56 NovoVision cash terminals from Novomatic, lottery customers in Malta will benefit from a number of convenient cashless ...

Merkur Dosniha u Spintec jiffirmaw sħubija għas-suq Spanjol

Merkur Dosniha u Spintec jiffirmaw sħubija ġdida għas-suq Spanjol. Merkur Dosniha introduċa roti tar-roulette elettroniċi għall-...

MADIC UK jissieħeb ma' Allwyn biex iniedi prototip ta' evoPOS integrat mal-Lotterija Nazzjonali

MADIC UK ssieħbet ma 'Allwyn biex tniedi prototip ta' softwer EPOS ġdid li għandu jiġi integrat mal-Lotterija Nazzjonali. Tnedija fin-Nazzjonali...




Rapport G3 – Singapor 2024

Ara dan ir-rapport

Rapport G3 – Macau 2024

Ara dan ir-rapport

Rapport G3 – Tribal Gaming US – Stat b’Stat

Ara dan ir-rapport

